My Survey Responses

Survey Prompt Response
A priori knowledge Lean towards: yes
Abstract objects Lean towards: nominalism
Aesthetic value The question is too unclear to answer
Aim of philosophy Accept a combination of answers:
  • Lean towards Truth/knowledge is an important aim of philosophy
  • Neutral towards Understanding is an important aim of philosophy
  • Lean against Wisdom is an important aim of philosophy
  • Lean towards Happiness is an important aim of philosophy
  • Neutral towards Goodness/justice is an important aim of philosophy
Belief or credence Lean towards: credence
Causation Lean towards: nonexistent
Cosmological fine-tuning Lean towards: multiverse
Free will Lean towards: compatibilism
Hard problem of consciousness Accept: yes
Normative concepts Accept: value
Principle of sufficient reason Lean towards: true
Response to external-world skepticism Lean towards: abductive
Sleeping beauty Lean towards: one-third
Well-being Accept: hedonism/experientialism