•  39
    Aristotle on Practical Truth
    Oxford University Press. 2017.
    In Aristotle on Practical Truth, C.M.M. Olfert gives the first book-length treatment of Aristotle's notion of practical truth. The book covers the origins of practical truth in Plato's philosophy; practical truth's role in practical reasoning; its contributions to motivation and action; and its implications for ethical development.
  •  16
    Aristotle’s Conception of Practical Truth
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (2): 205-231. 2014.
  • What can we learn from pleasure?
    History of Philosophy Quarterly 30 (1): 35-53. 2013.
  •  202
    Aristotle's Conception of Practical Truth
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (2): 205-231. 2014.
    Practical Truth is Mentioned Only Once in Aristotle’s entire corpus.1 However, this one mention shows practical truth to be central to the development of Aristotle’s conception of practical reason: because practical truth is a distinct type of truth, he claims, practical reason has its own unique function of being concerned with practical truth, and this unique function makes practical reason distinct from both theoretical and technical reason. Unfortunately, commentators of the Nicomachean Ethi…Read more
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    Aristotle on the Truth About Practical Ends
    Apeiron 51 (2): 221-244. 2018.
    Aristotle holds that rational agents can think true thoughts about their practical ends. Specifically, we can think true thoughts about whether our ends are good and able to be brought about in action. But what makes these thoughts true? What sort of thing is a practical end, such that it both is good, and also may be brought about in the future? These questions are difficult to answer. They are metaphysical questions about Aristotle’s practical philosophy: they ask what practical ends are, such…Read more
  •  59
    Incomplete Activities
    Apeiron 47 (2): 1-15. 2014.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Apeiron Jahrgang: 47 Heft: 2 Seiten: 230-244