• Schopenhauer and the Diamond-Sūtra
    In Robert L. Wicks (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Schopenhauer, Oxford University Press, Usa. pp. 362-379. 2020.
    Commentators on Schopenhauer’s philosophy have been at odds with one another concerning the signification of the “nothing” with which he closed the first volume of The World as Will and Representation in 1818, and how this relates to Schopenhauer’s proposition that the will is Kant’s thing-in-itself. This chapter contends that Schopenhauer’s works contain two conceptions of soteriological nothing: an early conception that is ontological and contrasted with the vanity of phenomenal life, and a la…Read more
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    Universal human traits: The holy grail of evolutionary psychology
    with Cacilda Jethá
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2): 292-293. 2005.
    Although the search for universal human traits is necessarily the principle focus of researchers in evolutionary psychology, the habitual reliance on undergraduate students introduces profound doubts concerning resulting data. Furthermore, the absence of relevant data from foraging societies undermines claims of cross-cultural universality in this paper and in many others.