344Knowledge and society: A comprehensive approach to social epistemologySouth African Journal of Philosophy 42 (2): 117-127. 2023.This article proposes an alternative approach to social epistemology – a comprehensive approach. It argues that the dominant approaches to social epistemology, which it identifies as communitarian and veritistic, are inadequate. It observes that the nature of the emphasis that the communitarian approach places on the epistemic community foster mindless tolerance in epistemology, which makes the pursuit of the cognitive goal of truth difficult to attain. It also observes that the veritistic appro…Read more
277Love and romantic relationship in the domain of medicineMedicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (1): 111-118. 2023.In this paper, I explore the nature of medical interventions like neuromodulation on the complex human experience of love. Love is built upon two fundamental natures, viz: the biological and the psychosocial. As a result of this distinction, scientists, and bioethicists have been exploring the possible ways this complex human experience can be biologically tampered with to produce some supposed higher-order ends like well-being and human flourishing. At the forefront in this quest are Earp, Sand…Read more
31Love and Romantic Relationship in the Domain of MedicineAndquot;Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy" 25 (4): 1-8. 2022.In this paper, I explore the nature of medical interventions like neuromodulation on the complex human experience of love. Love is built upon two fundamental natures, viz: the biological and the psychosocial. As a result of this distinction, scientists, and bioethicists have been exploring the possible ways this complex human experience can be biologically tampered with to produce some supposed higher-order ends like well-being and human flourishing. At the forefront in this quest are Earp, Sand…Read more
582The Prudent Man as the Reflection of the Provident God: An Analysis of Aquinas' Accounts of Providence and PrudenceEKPOMA Review 8 (8): 51-66. 2021.This essay explores and exposes Thomas Aquinas' notions of prudence and providence and interprets these notions in a bid to establish a relationship between human prudence and divine providence. At face value, it would seem that these two concepts are widely divergent and almost mutually exclusive. Nonetheless, the essay uses the phenomenological tool of analysis of relevant works of literature — the Summa Theologiae and the Summa Contra Gentiles — and argues that the ideas of human prudence and…Read more
1617Peirce's Fallibilism: A Thematic Analysis and the Revisitation of the Origins of FallibilismAmamihe: Journal of Applied Philosophy 19 (4): 18-35. 2021.This paper thematically analyzes Charles Sanders Peirce’s doctrine of fallibilism. Peirce’s fallibilism is best construed as an epistemic thesis that tries to correct the excesses of and mediate between Cartesian dogmatism and skepticism. Hence, as a theory of epistemic justification, it is neither overly confident like foundationalism nor overarchingly cynic like skepticism. It grants the possibility for knowledge, yet, this knowledge is not foregrounded on abso…Read more
3460Homosexuality in Traditional AfricaIn Sunday Layi Oladipupo (ed.), African Philosophy: Whose Past and which Modernity, Obafemi Awolowo University Press. pp. 277-292. 2021.This chapter explores the cultural varieties of same-sex relationships that have long been constituent of traditional African life. A recent study shows that roughly 10% of the global population identify as homosexuals. This number consistently and equitably cuts across all cultures of the world despite variations in attitude towards homosexuality. If this is true of the contemporary world, then it extends to the ancient and by that traditional Africa. Accordingly, this research using phenomenol…Read more
297Mapping out the Grounds for African Philosophy of Medicine and BioethicsSophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 19 (1): 62-71. 2021.In this paper, I open an inquiry that provides a catalyst for the inauguration of African Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics (APMB) as a full-fledged academic pursuit. I situate this inquiry within the quest of early professional African philosophers for a stirring of the course of contemporary African philosophy along the path of critically retrieving, clarifying, and articulating aspects of traditional African culture and practices in the light of social pluralism and modernization. The case…Read more
234Knowing Fallibly and it's Epistemic and Non-Epistemic Implications: Fallibilism RevisitedIgwebuike: An African Journal of Arts and Humanities 7 (3): 73-90. 2021.This paper revisits the epistemological doctrine of fallibilism and discusses its overarching consequences to the whole structure of human knowledge and its extended applications. Fallibilism claims that we can never have absolute certainty to justify our knowledge claims. That means, knowledge needs not have an absolute, definitive warrants. Consequently, using the discursive method of enquiry, the paper argues that, if fallibilism is true, then, the concept of knowledge is redefined. Henc…Read more
408An African response to the philosophical crises in medicine: Towards an African philosophy of medicine and bioethicsFilosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 10 (2): 1-16. 2021.In this paper, I identify two major philosophical crises confronting medicine as a global phenomenon. The first crisis is the epistemological crisis of adopting an epistemic attitude, adequate for improving medical knowledge and practice. The second is the ethical crisis, also known as the “quality-of-care crisis,” arising from the traditional patient-physician dyad. I acknowledge the different proposals put forward in the quest for solutions to these crises. However, I observe that most of thes…Read more
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