• From negative theology of hermeneutics
    In Antonio Calcagno, Steve G. Lofts, Rachel Bath & Kathryn Lawson (eds.), Breached Horizons: The Philosophy of Jean-Luc Marion, Rowman & Littlefield International. 2017.
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    In this text I intend to deal with the question whether phenomenology is to be uniquely developed as a transcendental philosophy. From a historical standpoint, a number of post-Husserlian phenomenologists aimed at overcoming Husserl's phenomenology through an overthrow of the transcendental subjectivity. For instance, this is the case for Patôcka's a-subjective phenomenology, Henry's phenomenology of life, Marion's phenomenology of givenness, and Romano's phenomenology of the event. Once synthet…Read more
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    The recent philosophical debate about the nature of time is peculiarly focused on the divide between presentism and eternalism. As a matter of fact, after Einstein’s General Relativity theory most theoretical physicists opted for eternalism, also known as “block-universe theory”. This view finds support in Minkowski’s famous paper Space and Time. Even if theoretical physicists commonly accept nowadays the concept of spacetime as a mathematical tool, the situation is much more complex for what co…Read more
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    Nowadays, a general agreement exists that European culture suffers from a severe type of economic and cultural crisis. In the first section of my contribution I intend to provide a comparison between Husserl's diagnosis of European crisis developed in the Vienna Lectures and Henry's account of barbarism in his book La barbarie. If, on the one hand, Husserl argues that such a critical condition compels Europe to choose between the sunset of its culture and its rebirth through a new foundation of …Read more
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    Notes pour une phénoménologie de la naissance: En dialogue avec Claude Romano
    Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 21 (2): 68-86. 2013.
    Cet article cherche à discuter certaines implications de la phénoménologie événémentiale de Romano afin d'en mésurer la fécondité pour la question - largement négligée par notre tradition philosophique - de la naissance. A travers la critique de la notion de "conscience interne du temps" proposée par Husserl dans les Leçons de 1905 et les Manuscrits de Bernau de 1918-19, Romano met au point sa conception de l'événement en tant que origine intemporelle de toute temporalité mondaine. La dernière p…Read more
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    Le "Pathos-avec" Intersubjectivité, intropathie et regard clinique
    Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 20 (2): 57-74. 2012.
    Cet article cherche à appliquer la phénoménologie matérielle de Michel Henry à la question du rapport entre médicin et patient. A partir de la réflexion sur le statut de l'intersubjectivité en tant que intropathie, l'auteur propose un nouveau modèle de "regard clinique" et de "démarche thérapeutique"