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    Introduction: thinking about globalization -- Systemic thinking: Immanuel Wallerstein -- Conceptual thinking: Anthony Giddens -- Sociological thinking: Manuel Castells -- Transformational thinking: David Held and Anthony McGrew -- Sceptical thinking: Paul Hirst and Grahame Thompson -- Spatial thinking: Peter Dicken and Saskia Sassen -- Positive thinking: Thomas Friedman and Martin Wolf -- Reformist thinking: Joseph Stiglitz -- Radical thinking: Naomi Klein, George Monbiot and Subcommandante Marc…Read more
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    The swarm at the edge of the cloud
    with E. A. Lee, J. Rabaey, B. Hartmann, J. Kubiatowicz, K. Pister, T. Simunic Rosing, J. Wawrzynek, D. Wessel, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, S. A. Seshia, D. Blaauw, P. Dutta, K. Fu, C. Guestrin, B. Taskar, R. Jafari, V. Kumar, R. Mangharam, G. J. Pappas, R. M. Murray, and A. Rowe
    TerraSwarm applications, or swarmlets, are characterized by their ability to dynamically recruit resources such as sensors, communication networks, computation, and information from the cloud; to aggregate and use that information to make or aid decisions; and then to dynamically recruit actuation resources. The TerraSwarm vision cannot be achieved by a single vendor providing the components as an integrated system. What is needed instead is the swarm equivalent of the common, general framework …Read more