111Intra-Group Epistemic Injustice: Jewish Identity, Whiteness, and ZionismSocial Epistemology 37 (6): 810-823. 2023.In this paper, I work towards a conceptualization of a new form of epistemic injustice – one that occurs within groups, as opposed to across groups – which I call ‘intra-group epistemic injustice’. Specifically, I focus on a case that occurs within the Jewish community, regarding what I and others see as the silencing of anti-Zionist Jews by Zionist Jews, via a conflation of Jewish identity with Zionism. Anti-Zionist Jews are accused by Zionist Jews of being ‘self-hating Jews’ or perhaps not eve…Read more
57Locutionary disablement and epistemic injusticeDissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. 2016.https://search.proquest.com/docview/1860923285?pq-origsite=gscholar
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