•  9
    © The Author 2017.The observation of replica bands in single-unit-cell FeSe on SrTiO3 by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy has led to the conjecture that the coupling between FeSe electrons and the STO phonons are responsible for the enhancement of T c over other FeSe-based superconductors. However the recent observation of a similar superconducting gap in single-unit-cell FeSe/STO raised the question of whether a similar mechanism applies. Here we report the ARPES study of the electroni…Read more
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    Characterization of collective ground states in single-layer NbSe 2
    with M. M. Ugeda, A. J. Bradley, Y. Zhang, S. Onishi, Y. Chen, W. Ruan, C. Ojeda-Aristizabal, H. Ryu, M. T. Edmonds, H. Z. Tsai, A. Riss, S. K. Mo, A. Zettl, Z. Hussain, Z. X. Shen, and M. F. Crommie
    © 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited.Layered transition metal dichalcogenides are ideal systems for exploring the effects of dimensionality on correlated electronic phases such as charge density wave order and superconductivity. In bulk NbSe 2 a CDW sets in at T CDW = 33 K and superconductivity sets in at T c = 7.2 K. Below T c these electronic states coexist but their microscopic formation mechanisms remain controversial. Here we present an electronic characterization study of a single two-dimen…Read more
  • Hedonic/functional congruity between stores and private label brands
    with M. R. Hyman
    Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 16 (3): 219--232. 2008.