University of Pittsburgh
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 1999
APA Eastern Division
Charleston, South Carolina, United States of America
Areas of Interest
History of Western Philosophy
  •  1
    Reply to Manuel Fasko’s discussion of Mary Shepherd: a guide
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (1): 189-194. 2024.
    Through his careful reading of my book, Manuel Fasko has identified four points in Mary Shepherd: A Guide where I make claims about Shepherd’s views but do not say much, or anything, about the deep...
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    Elizabeth Hamilton on Race, Religion, and Human Nature
    Journal of Scottish Philosophy 22 (2): 77-101. 2024.
    Elizabeth Hamilton (1758–1816) has a strikingly egalitarian account of gender in her novels and philosophical writings, where she professes to be offering an account of human nature in general. This paper examines whether she has a similarly egalitarian account of race, and shows that she does not. Hamilton distinguishes between what she calls ‘the Christian nations of Europe’ and non-Christian groups; she clearly assigns different character and mental traits to members of different groups; and …Read more
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    Joanna Baillie on Sympathetic Curiosity and Elizabeth Hamilton's Critique
    Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2024 1-22. 2024.
    Scholars working on recovering forgotten historical women philosophers have noted the importance of looking beyond traditional philosophical genres. This strategy is particularly important for finding Scottish women philosophers. By considering non-canonical genres, we can see the philosophical interest of the works of Scottish poet and playwright Joanna Baillie (1762–1851), who presents an account of “sympathetic curiosity” as one of the basic principles of the human mind. Baillie's work is als…Read more
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    Informed by Sense and Reason: Margaret Cavendish's Theorizing About Perception
    In Brian Glenney, José Filipe Silva, Jana Rosker, Susan Blake, Stephen H. Phillips, Katerina Ierodiakonou, Anna Marmodoro, Lukas Licka, Han Thomas Adriaenssen, Chris Meyns, Janet Levin, James Van Cleve, Deborah Boyle, Michael Madary, Josefa Toribio, Gabriele Ferretti, Clare Batty & Mark Paterson (eds.), The Senses and the History of Philosophy, Routledge. 2019.
    One method Margaret Cavendish uses is something like inference to the best explanation, and so this may be what she mean by “regular sense and reason.” As Hobbes wrote in Leviathan: the cause of Sense, is the Externall Body, or object, which presseth the organ proper to each Sense, either immediatly, as in the Tast and Touch; or mediately, as in Seeing, Hearing, and Smelling. Before examining how Cavendish appeals to ordinary perceptual phenomena to argue that pressure model of perception (PMP) …Read more
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    Reply to Manuel Fasko’s discussion of Mary Shepherd: a guide
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (1): 189-194. 2024.
    Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2025, Page 189-194.
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    Mary Shepherd (Elements on women in the history of philosophy) (review)
    History of European Ideas 50 (4): 700-702. 2024.
    Mary Shepherd’s Essay upon the Relation of Cause and Effect (1824) and Essays on the Perception of an External World (1827) were, until quite recently, utterly neglected in the history of philosoph...
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    Scottish Philosophy after the Enlightenment by Gordon Graham (review)
    Review of Metaphysics 76 (3): 551-553. 2023.
    Histories of Scottish philosophy typically focus on the school of "common sense" from the eighteenth century, beginning with Francis Hutcheson and ending with Dugald Stewart. As Gordon Graham notes in the preface to this volume, nineteenth-century Scottish philosophy is "an area of the history of philosophy that has generally gone almost entirely unexplored." His collection of eleven standalone essays (only one of which has been previously published) argues that something recognizable as "Scotti…Read more
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    Hume and animal ethics
    In Angela Michelle Coventry & Alex Sager (eds.), _The Humean Mind_, Routledge. 2018.
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    Mary Shepherd: a guide
    Oxford University Press. 2023.
    This guide leads readers systematically through the arguments of Mary Shepherd's two books. Chapters 1-4 cover the arguments in the Essay Upon the Relation of Cause and Effect (1824), where Shepherd argues that causal principles can be known by reason to be necessary truths and that causal inferences can be rationally justified. Shepherd's primary target in this work is Hume, but she also addresses the views of Thomas Brown and William Lawrence. Shepherd considered her second book, Essays on the…Read more
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    Several recent papers and books have argued that Cavendish's work in natural philosophy foreshadows some twentieth-century feminist philosophers' critiques of epistemology and science. These readings fall into three groups: arguments that Cavendish's early atomistic poems present an alternative, female way of knowing; arguments that such an alternative epistemology occurs in Cavendish's _Blazing World_; and arguments that her ontology was driven by feminist concerns for the implications of atomi…Read more
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    Elizabeth Hamilton on Sympathy and the Selfish Principle
    Journal of Scottish Philosophy 19 (3): 219-241. 2021.
    In A Series of Popular Essays, Scottish philosopher Elizabeth Hamilton identifies two ‘principles’ in the human mind: sympathy and the selfish principle. While sharing Adam Smith's understanding of sympathy as a capacity for fellow-feeling, Hamilton also criticizes Smith's account of sympathy as involving the imagination. Even more important for Hamilton is the selfish principle, a ‘propensity to expand or enlarge the idea of self’ that she distinguishes from both selfishness and self-love. Coun…Read more
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    Descartes on Innate Ideas
    Continuum. 2009.
    The concept of innateness is central to Descartes's epistemology; the Meditations display a new, non-Aristotelian method of acquiring knowledge by attending properly to our innate ideas. Yet understanding Descartes's conception of innate ideas is not an easy task, and some commentators have concluded that Descartes held several distinct and unrelated conceptions of innateness. In Descartes on Innate Ideas, Deborah Boyle argues that Descartes's remarks on innate ideas in fact form a unified accou…Read more
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    Lady Mary Shepherd: Selected Writings
    Imprint Academic. 2018.
    The philosophical writings of Lady Mary Shepherd (1777–1847) reveal an astute and lively intellect. In An Essay upon the Relation of Cause and Effect (1824) and Essays on the Perception of an External Universe, and Other Subjects Connected with the Doctrine of Causation (1827), Shepherd engaged critically with the views of Hume, Berkeley, Reid, Stewart, de Condillac, and others, but she also presented an original and carefully argued philosophical system of her own. Highly regarded in her day, S…Read more
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    Elizabeth Hamilton’s Memoirs of Modern Philosophers as a Philosophical Text
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (6): 1072-1098. 2021.
    Elizabeth Hamilton (1758–1816) has not so far been considered a philosopher, probably because she wrote novels and tracts on education rather than philosophical treatises. This paper argues that Hamilton’s novel Memoirs of Modern Philosophers (1800) should be read as a philosophical text, both for its close engagement with William Godwin’s moral theory and for what it suggests about Hamilton’s own moral theory and moral psychology. Studies of Memoirs have so far either characterized it as merely…Read more
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    Philosophical Letters, Abridged (edited book)
    Hackett Publishing Company. 2021.
    "Margaret Cavendish is a fascinating figure who is getting increasing attention by historians of philosophy these days, and for good reason.... She’s an interesting advocate of a vitalist tradition emphasizing the inherent activity of matter, as well as its inherent perceptive faculties. She’s also the perfect character to open students up to a different seventeenth century, and a different cast of philosophical characters. This is an ideal book to use in the classroom. The _Philosophical Letter…Read more
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    The Rise and Fall of Scottish Common Sense Realism by Douglas McDermid (review)
    Hume Studies 43 (2): 107-109. 2021.
    This rich and interesting book tells the story of the development and ultimate disappearance over the course of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries of a central theme in Scottish philosophy: common sense realism. Taking Thomas Reid's version of common sense realism as the paradigmatic form, McDermid shows how Reid's views had their roots in Lord Kames's account of perceptual realism, how Dugald Stewart and Sir William Hamilton defended and modified Reid's view, and how James Ferrier systemat…Read more
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    The second edition of The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment has the same goal as the first edition : to describe “the historical circumstances”, the “leading idea...
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    Mary Shepherd and the Meaning of ‘Life’
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (2): 208-225. 2021.
    In the final chapters of her 1824 Essay upon the Relation of Cause and Effect, Lady Mary Shepherd considers what it means for an organism to be alive. The physician William Lawrence had...
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    A Mistaken Attribution to Lady Mary Shepherd
    Journal of Modern Philosophy 2 (1): 5. 2020.
    In addition to the 1824 and 1827 books known to have been written by Lady Mary Shepherd, another philosophical treatise, published in 1819, has sometimes been attributed to her. While evidence for this attribution has so far been inconclusive, this paper provides reasons for thinking that Shepherd was not, in fact, the author of this book. New external evidence is provided to show that the author was James Milne, an Edinburgh architect and engineer.
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    Snapshot: Lady Mary Shepherd
    The Philosophers' Magazine 89 55-59. 2020.
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    Mary Shepherd on Mind, Soul, and Self
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (1): 93-112. 2020.
    the philosophical writings ofx Lady Mary Shepherd were apparently well regarded in her own time, but dropped out of view in the mid-nineteenth century.1 Some historians of philosophy have recently begun attending to the distinctive arguments in Shepherd's two books, but the secondary literature that exists so far has largely focused on her critiques of Hume and Berkeley. However, many other themes and arguments in Shepherd's writings have not yet been explored. This paper takes up one such issue…Read more
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    The Essential Leviathan: A Modernized Edition (review)
    Teaching Philosophy 42 (3): 300-304. 2019.
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    The study of perception and the role of the senses have recently risen to prominence in philosophy and are now a major area of study and research. However, the philosophical history of the senses remains a relatively neglected subject. Moving beyond the current philosophical canon, this outstanding collection offers a wide-ranging and diverse philosophical exploration of the senses, from the classical period to the present day. Written by a team of international contributors, it is divided into …Read more
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    The Well-Ordered Universe argues that Cavendish's natural philosophy, social and political philosophy, and medical theory share an underlying concern with order. This reveals interesting connections among Cavendish's natural philosophy and her views on gender, animals and the environment, and human health, and explains her commitment to monarchy and social hierarchy.
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    Expanding the Canon of Scottish Philosophy: The Case for Adding Lady Mary Shepherd
    Journal of Scottish Philosophy 15 (3): 275-293. 2017.
    Lady Mary Shepherd argued for distinctive accounts of causation, perception, and knowledge of an external world and God. However, her work, engaging with Berkeley and Hume but written after Kant, does not fit the standard periodisation of early modern philosophy presupposed by many philosophy courses, textbooks, and conferences. This paper argues that Shepherd should be added to the canon as a Scottish philosopher. The practical reason for doing so is that it would give Shepherd a disciplinary h…Read more
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    Descartes’s Tests for (Animal) Mind
    Philosophical Topics 27 (1): 87-146. 1999.
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    The Treasure House of the Mind: Descartes' Conception of Innate Ideas
    Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh. 1999.
    Descartes is often accused of lacking a coherent conception of innate ideas. I argue that Descartes' remarks on innate ideas actually form a unified account. "Innate idea" is triply ambiguous, but its three meanings are interdependent. "Innate idea" can mean an act of perceiving; that which is perceived; or a faculty, capacity, or disposition to have certain ideas. An innate idea qua object of thought is some thing existing objectively , which we have a capacity to perceive, but which we can onl…Read more