6001Study on Logic Reasoning and Ideological Characteristic of “Equivalence of Life and Death” of Chuang-TzuTheory Horizon 526 (6): 46-51. 2017.The Concept of Life and Death of Chuang-tzu have inherited and developed Confucianism and Taoism thoughts, establishing Ontological foundation of "Life - Body", distinguishing the transcendental concept of "Dead Heart" and the empirical concept of "Death Body", as well as proposing the thought of "Equivalence of Life and Death" finally. The logic Reasoning of Chuang-tzu "Equivalence of Life and Death", start from constructing the equal status of "Life" and “Death" from ontological argument. Life…Read more
2130Priority, Ethical Principle, and Allocation of Scarce Medical ResourcesStudies in Dialectics of Nature 11 (37): 62-68. 2021.Aiming at the allocation of scarce medical resources, Immanuel and other scholars have put forward a set of influential ethical values and guiding principles. It assigns the priority of resource allocation to those whose lives can be saved and maximized, those who can bring the greatest instrumental value, and those who are the worse off. For other members of society, random selection under the same conditions is adopted. Following the Rawlsian "lexical order, lexicographical" rule, this priorit…Read more
2037Aristotelian Distributive Justice: Holism or EgalitarianismJournal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition), 31 (6): 60-64. 2017.Different understanding on Aristotelian distributive justice results in two main factions: holism and egalitarianism. Dennis McKerlie, one of the representatives of holism, criticized Martha Nussbaum's interpretation as an egalitarian. McKerlie argued that Nussbaum did not attach enough importance to the Proportional equality and Aristotelian Common good, as well as a deviation in the understanding of the concept of distribution. The defense of egalitarianism is that Aristotle's emphasis on the …Read more
1947Moral Courage: Classification and InterpretationTheory Monthly 461 (5): 139-145. 2020.In the evolution of Chinese and Western literatures, the emphasis on the "strength" of "courage" is gradually given to the "mind" of "courage", that is the intention of the Agent. The connotation of Chinese and Western traditional thoughts of "courage" reflected in the distinction between the "physical courage" and "moral courage". Philosophers distinguish moral courage from physical courage, which does not seem to be clear and complete. Moral courage however as moral elements have been distingu…Read more
1615From “Modern Technology” Criticism to “Future-oriented” Responsibility Ethics: Hans Jonas's Theoretical construction of Responsibility EthicsScience Economy Society 36 (4): 25-32. 2018.Hans Jonas 's responsibility ethics is an important achievement of modern technology criticism and ethical theory innovation. The maturity of Jonas's ethical thought has gone through three main stages, namely, the critique of modern technology, the reflection of traditional ethics and the construction of the " Future-oriented " Responsibility Ethics. Jonas's criticism of modern technology not only has a strong epochal character but also carries on the spirit of social criticism since Marx. His i…Read more
785On Ethical Basis of Sharing Economy: Contractual Ethics, Technical Ethics, and Universal EthicsJournal of Luoyang Normal University 39 (6): 73-78. 2020.With the development of sharing economy, a consensus to study this area from the perspective of morality and ethics has been recently reached. The key point of this study is the ethical basis of sharing economy. It should be noticed that the conceptual framework of sharing economy must be grounded within the market economy, technological innovation, and the spirit of "rational cooperation". It is, therefore, necessary to realize that the sharing economy is based on the Contractual Ethics interna…Read more
38Early false-belief understanding in traditional non-Western societiesProceedings of the Royal Society, B (Biological Sciences) 280 (1755). 2013.
Di Wu
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Zhongnan University of Economics and LawLecturer
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Social and Political Philosophy |