115Avicenna's eastern (“oriental”) philosophy: Nature, contents, transmissionArabic Sciences and Philosophy 10 (2): 159-180. 2000.The purpose of the article is to present further information about Avicenna's work on Eastern philosophy, supplementing what was written in the author's Avicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition, pp. 115-30. In view of the prevalent but unfounded notions among some students of Avicenna that the Eastern philosophy is mystical or illuminationist, an initial section traces the history of the development of these tendentious ideas first to Ibn T[dotu]ufayl and then to the followers of his interpretati…Read more
96Suhrawardī and greek philosophyArabic Sciences and Philosophy 13 (2): 303-309. 2003.Given the uncontested and universally acknowledged debt that Suhrawardis philosophy owes to Avicenna in its entirety, then the problem becomes why Suhrawardi presented himself as following these ancient philosophers, and especially Plato, rather than Avicenna. But this is the subject of the book on Suhrawardi that has yet to be written. One hopes that some student of this influential philosopher will soon undertake to do it
86Through close study of Avicenna's statements and major works, Dimitri Gutas traces Avicenna's own sense of his place in the Aristotelian tradition and the history of philosophy in Islam, and provides an introduction to reading his philosophical works by delineating the approach most consistent with Avicenna's intention and purpose in philosophy. The second edition of this foundational work, which has quickened fruitful research into the philosopher in the last quarter century, is completely revi…Read more
72Certainty, Doubt, Error: Comments On the Epistemological Foundations of Medieval Arabic ScienceEarly Science and Medicine 7 (3): 276-288. 2002.The article comments on the epistemological foundations of medieval Arabic science and philosophy, as presented in five earlier communications, and attempts to draw some guidelines for the study of its social history. At the very beginning the notion of "Islam" is discounted as a meaningful explanatory category for historical investigation. A first part then looks at the applied sciences and notes three major characteristics of their epistemological approach: they were functionalist and based on…Read more
51A Greek and Arabic Lexicon : Materials for a Dictionary of the Medieval Translations from Greek into Arabic, Fascicles 2 and 3Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1): 108. 1998.
51The Ṣiwān Al-Hikma Cycle of TextsThe Muntakhab Siw'n al-Ḥikmah of Abû Sulaim'n as-Sijist'nîThe Siwan Al-Hikma Cycle of TextsThe Muntakhab Siwan al-Hikmah of Abu Sulaiman as-SijistaniJournal of the American Oriental Society 102 (4): 645. 1982.
49A new “edition” of ḥunayn's risāla (review)Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 28 (2): 279-284. 2018.One of the most important medieval documents in the history of medicine and scholarship, and of culture in general, is doubtless the bibliographical treatise (“epistle”, Risāla) by Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq (808-873) addressed to his patron and patron of the arts, the gentleman courtier ‘Alī b. Yaḥyā b. al-Munaǧǧim (d. 275 / 888-889), listing the translations of Galen into Syriac and Arabic. Its transmission and publication history, though, is extremely complicated.
46Classical Arabic Wisdom Literature: Nature and ScopeJournal of the American Oriental Society 101 (1): 49-86. 1981.
40A Greek and Arabic Lexicon: Materials for a Dictionary of the Mediaeval Translations from Greek into Arabic, Fascicle 1: Introduction, Sources, ʾ to ʾ-kh-rA Greek and Arabic Lexicon: Materials for a Dictionary of the Mediaeval Translations from Greek into Arabic, Fascicle 1: Introduction, Sources, to -kh-r (review)Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (2): 285. 1994.
40Theophrastus and Recent ScholarshipOn Stoic and Peripatetic Ethics: The Work of Arius Didymus.Theophrastus of Eresus on his Life and Work.Theophrastean Studies on Natural Science, Physics and Metaphysics, Ethics, Religion and Rhetoric.Cicero's Knowledge of the Peripatos.Theopharastus His Psychological, Doxographical and Scientific Writings.Theophrastus of Eresus Sources for his Life, Writings, Thought and Influence (review)Journal of the History of Ideas 55 (2): 337. 1994.
36Greek Wisdom Literature in Arabic Translation: A Study of the Graeco-Arabic GnomologiaAmerican Journal of Philology 99 (2): 273. 1978.
32Plotting the Course of Avicenna's ThoughtAvicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition: Introduction to Reading Avicenna's Philosophical TextsJournal of the American Oriental Society 111 (2): 333. 1991.
29Profiles Grecian influences on tenth-century Arab society.
27The Myth of a Kantian AvicennaPhilosophy East and West 70 (3): 833-840. 2020.In my Oriens article on Avicenna's empiricism, I present what Avicenna calls the principles of syllogism, which are the different types of propositions that form the irreducible and axiomatic starting points of syllogisms and definitions. As Avicenna states both explicitly and implicitly in numerous passages that I cite, these are all based on experience. Two of these are the primary propositions and those with built-in syllogisms, literally, "premises of fiṭra syllogisms," fiṭra being the natur…Read more
26Commenting on recently collected sources for Theophrastus' ethical views, this work relates Theophrastean doctrine to that of Aristotle and the rival Stoics. The focus is on topics like virtue and happiness, manners and moral virtues, innate character and the relation of animals to humans
25Greek Thought, Arabic Culture. The Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement in Bagdad and Early 'Abbāsid Society'Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 61 (2): 369-371. 1998.
22This important new editio maior of Aristotle's Poetics is based on all the primary sources and is accompanied by a details critical apparatus. The introductory chapters provide important new insights about the transmission of the text to the present day and especially the significance of the Syro-Arabic tradition
22Simultaneous critical editions based on all available evidence, with an introduction, English translations, and commentaries of the Greek text and a medieval Arabic translation of Theophrastus’s On First Principles , together with a methodological excursus on Graeco-Arabic editorial technique and normative glossary
21Theophrastus of Eresus: Sources for His Life, Writings, Thought, and Influence (edited book)Brill. 1991."Orginally published by: Leiden, NV: Koninklijke Brill, 1993."
18The Arabic Transmission of Dioskurides: Philology TriumphantJournal of the American Oriental Society 132 (3): 457. 2012.
18Pre-Plotinian Philosophy in Arabic : A Review of the Sources (review)In Wolfgang Haase (ed.), Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. Philosophie, De Gruyter. pp. 4939-4973. 1987.
15This volume, a major new research tool, brings together seventeen studies on Avicenna by Dimitri Gutas, written over the past twenty-five years. They aim to establish Avicenna's historical and philosophical context as a means to determining his philosophical project and the orientations of his thought. They deal with his life and works, his method, his epistemology, and his later reception in the Islamic world, ending with an essay on the state of the field of Avicennan studies and future agenda…Read more
11Arabic into Byzantine Greek: Introducing a Survey of the TranslationsIn Andreas Speer & Philipp Steinkrüger (eds.), Knotenpunkt Byzanz: Wissensformen und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen, De Gruyter. pp. 246-262. 2012.
10Greek philosophers in the Arabic traditionAshgate. 2000.Professor Gutas deals here with the lives, sayings, thought, and doctrines of Greek philosophers drawn from sources preserved in medieval Arabic translations and for the most part not extant in the original. The Arabic texts, some of which are edited here for the first time, are translated throughout and richly annotated with the purpose of making the material accessible to classical scholars and historians of ancient and medieval philosophy. Also discussed are the modalities of transmission fro…Read more
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