340I suoni e le immagini sembrano appartenere a due forme dell’esperienza profondamente distinte. Due registri sensoriali antitetici cui corrispondono due fenomeni accostabili, ma mai completamente unibili. Eppure si ricorre spesso all’espressione immagine sonora, che cosa si intende precisamente? Esiste un punto in cui i suoni e le immagini si appartengono reciprocamente? Può un’immagine risuonare e un suono essere anche un’immagine? Il testo cerca di rispondere a questi quesiti scavando e intarsi…Read more
326Il corpo affettivo. L’esperienza sonora nella costituzione della personaInCircolo - Rivista di Filosofia E Culture 14 175-197. 2022.Listening is not an incorporeal experience; we do not listen with our non-extended minds. We listen with all our body, and music can change completely our personal structure. It is through sound experience that we change and asset ourselves. Studies in the doctrine of affects often use sonorous metaphors and concepts such as Stimmung, resonance, consonance, that refer to sound experience. In this paper, I try first of all to show how listening is rooted in body experience. Then, I argue for a ne…Read more
285Su Max Scheler. Riflessioni a partire da Wesen und Formen der SympathieDialegesthai. Rivista Telematica di Filosofia 24. 2022.
272Eine Deutung der Metamorphose bei KafkaSegni E Comprensione 36 (102): 178-191. 2022.In Kafka's work there are many examples of metamorphic instances. Die Verwandlung is obviously the first case that we are used to know as a real metamorphic example. However, it is not the only one, for examples Odradek, but also the way Kafka describes the encounter between characters or the characteristics of some of them (Das Schloss). The paper tries to conceptualize the metamorphosis through a distinction between two forms: (1) metamorphosis or transformation that allows us to know from whe…Read more
261Il realismo segnico nella rappresentazione della metamorfosi: Deleuze e la fenomenologiaSegni E Comprensione 101 84-110. 2021.Metamorphosis as it is represented by some pre-historical artists seems problematic for our occidental point of view. In fact, it seems to be strongly against identity and law of non-contradiction. Becoming in general is also viewed as an error or exception by our classic point of view. This very claim can conduct to theories of non-classical logic. Deleuze and Guattari in their monumental work had tried to offer enormous contributions in order to comprehend the becoming phenomenon. Through a pr…Read more
255Una fenomenologia all’ascolto. Epochè, intenzionalità e costituzione del sonoroDialegesthai. Rivista Telematica di Filosofia 21. 2020.L'articolo analizza i fondamenti delle indagini percettive nell'impostazione fenomenologica. In particolare l'ambito uditivo si struttura in modalità, ricezioni ed analisi che, attraverso la critica di vari autori (Husserl, Heidegger, Dufrenne, Ihde, Schaeffer), si mostrano articolate in due direzioni (soggetto-oggetto e oggetto-soggetto). L' analisi delle componenti costitutive porta a riconoscere come ricorrente tra autori differenti quell'impostazione del problema la quale asserisce che, se d…Read more
239Tendere l’orecchio. L’attenzione nel processo uditivo: neuroscienze e antropologia in dialogoPalaver 11 (2): 231-248. 2022.Psychological and neuroscientific inquiry pointed out the value of attention for auditory perception. Recent studies have identified that the problem is not one of finding a location for a given task, but of identifying how and what one wants to do with a given stimulus. This radicalises the problem of attention in perception. In this paper I try bring experimental research into dialogue with social role of emotions and attention in sonorous and musical field from the point of view of anthropolo…Read more
233La completezza dell’incompletezza. Linee interpretative per un’analisi del desiderio di rinascere alla filosofiaDialegesthai. Rivista Telematica di Filosofia 22. 2021.
224Are Sounds Events? Materiality in Auditory PerceptionPhenomenology and Mind 25 (25): 226-240. 2023.Whilst arguing for sounds as repeatable objects does not seem suitable to our auditory experience, considering them as events can then help us understand some of their main features. In this sense, sounds are events happening to material objects; they have a beginning and an end; they are ephemeral entities that we cannot grasp as ordinary objects. Nevertheless, supporters of event theory usually focus on the autonomous status that sounds manifest from the things in the world. Conversely, when w…Read more
209Sound Hyletic. Themes for an Aesthesiology of HyleStudi di Estetica 27 221-245. 2023.The notion of hyle seems problematic for a phenomenological foundation of experience. For this very reason, its completed invalidity was generally postulated. At the same time, there are many reflections in Husserlian writings that help us understand it better. This paper attempts to show how hyletic experience, by existing in the lived body, triggers in parallel rhythmic, vibrating, and sonorous experiences as bodily experiences. Sounds are experienced by the body before any reflections or cons…Read more
205Fondamenti sonori del logos. Distribuzioni di senso all'interno dell'impero visualeIlluminazioni. Rivista di Lingua, Letteratura E Comunicazione 54 48-74. 2020.The relationship between knowledge and vision seems really consolidated. It started in ancient Greece and we can found its basis in Plato. The history of logos as reason and as western foundation of culture gives us enormous examples in terms of metaphors and approaches in the knowledge-vision relationship. «I see it» is like «I know it». However if we look at the basis of logos we find the deep meaning of gathering, composition, bond and bind (lèghein), so as to we could choose «to gather» as t…Read more
205Intimità sonore. Lineamenti di una prossemica sonorade Musica 26 (1): 32-80. 2022.How can sound and space be connected not only in a metaphorical sense? Over the last decades, philosophy of sound, aesthetics, and musicology have shown increasing interest in space inquiry. However, the way we interact with each other, communicate in space, and gather information about/in space is rooted in sound in a completely different way from those of musical metaphors. In this paper, I present an analysis of the role sound plays in the constitution of both space and relations of intimacy …Read more
198Espressione e individuazione. Proposte per la ricerca dei processi ibridativiDialettica E Filosofia 1-12. 2023.In the last few years, the idea of human being has been enlarged from the individual closeness to morphogenetic openness. Concurrently with discovers and researches into invisible worlds that live with human beings – microbes, fungi, bacteria, etc. – a debate has opened up that agrees with recent positions in the field of ontology. The human being is capable of poietic openness and is defined by relations. Anyway, an absence of a rigorous conceptualisation of the individualising process remains …Read more
172L'incommensurabilità della solitudine. Riflessioni sull'incontroDialegesthai. Rivista Telematica di Filosofia 21. 2020.
172Ontologia del tra. Metamorfosi e incontro per un’antropologia fenomenologicaItinera - Rivista di Filosofia E di Teoria Delle Arti 22 227-258. 2021.Metamorphosis seems problematic for our occidental point of view. Becoming in general is viewed as an error or exception by our classic standpoint. In fact, it is strongly against identity and law of non-contradiction: A is fundamentally something different from B and for A it is impossible to be at the same time B. We need to think A as what-becomes-B in order to make metamorphosis possible. Anyway, how can A become B? As a matter of fact, this very claim has been historically the most common c…Read more
161La Bestimmung come disposizione. Un’analisi tra Sorge e LiebeOdradek. Studies in Philosophy of Literature, Aesthetics, and New Media Theories 9 (1-2): 263-303. 2023.This paper analyses Spalding’s Betrachtung über die Bestimmung des Menschen (1748) through a translation proposal that tries to point out the human disposal to act ethically. In accord with modern German use, I argue for a translation of Bestimmung as disposition. In the first part of the article, I deal with the relevant issues for a philosophy of human experience that are present in Spalding’s text. In the second one, I bring the translation proposal into the philosophical domain showing how t…Read more
156Essere ed esistenza in Heidegger: verso la prospettiva dell’enteQuaderni di Inschibboleth 19 107-124. 2023.Heidegger’s ontologische Differenz imposes methodological limits which strictly mark his philosophy for rigor and determinacy. If it is not possible to think Being from the categories of the entity, it is also true that the difference is a tank of possibilities and developments to which Heidegger himself hints at. From the accuracy of the early works to the overturning of the problem in the later works, the ontological difference is a constant of Heideggerian thought. This paper seeks to push Ex…Read more
133Le forme della solitudine: isolamento, co-isolamento, noia e sonnoLebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 18 32-58. 2021.Man avoids solitude through _divertissement_ because he is afraid of what staying alone entails: thinking about himself (Pascal). Furthermore, man seeks isolation in order to gain ambition and reputation (Montaigne). However, solitude is really different from isolation and it is a fundamental emotional condition. Heidegger’s analysis of the forms of boredom adapts to and relates to the specific dynamic of solitude, showing that it is a part of human being’s structure despite his experience appea…Read more
127Il canto dell’entusiasmo. Quotidianità ed entusiasmo: un’analisi a partire da Karl JaspersStudi Jaspersiani 8 145-163. 2020.Starting from Jaspers’ analysis of attitudes in Psychologie der Weltanschauungen and analyzing their causes, we find an essential description of the human being. The human condition of being in the world (Heidegger, Jaspers) can be troubled (Freud, Jung). However, this is characteristic for human life (Jaspers, Schellenbaum). Among all attitudes, the enthusiastic one is the more consistent with human being’s dynamic nature (Bergson, Jaspers, Schellenbaum). The human being feels himself deeply to…Read more
54Im Anfang war das Wort. Husserl e la fenomenologia della coscienza religiosaSegni E Comprensione 106 177-190. 2024.Husserl and the phenomenology of religion have a delicate relationship that combines direct references to religious themes with broader analyses subsumable under the more general phenomenology of consciousness. This paper shows the themes and problems of a Husserlian phenomenological analysis of religious consciousness through an encounter with its elements. Word, Prayer, relationship with the Sacred and Faith are some of the indelible traces of a phenomenology of religious consciousness. The be…Read more
Elia Gonnella
University of Salento
University of Salento
University of Salento
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