• Strafrecht en Literatuur
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 2 124-138. 2003.
    In this contribution the author wants to dissociate himself from the common view that storytelling and literary imagination are opposed to abstract legal thinking by means of legal concepts and legal principles. Departing from the undeniable gap between the technicalities of the criminal law, on the one hand, and the concrete experiences, feelings and wants of victims and offenders, on the other hand, the paper tries to show that legal provisions defining a criminal wrong and abstract legal conc…Read more
  • Straftoemeting, bestraffingssociologie, bestraffingsfilosofie
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 1 29-54. 2006.
    The point of departure of this paper is the need for a coherent normative theory of punishment which could guide and inform our contemporary sentencing practices, on the one hand, and the pervasive sociological scepsis with regard to the practical potential of such an abstract theory, on the other. Starting from a primarily sociological account of the regulatory and expressive functions of criminal punishment and their complex interaction in late modern culture, the paper examines to what extent…Read more
  • Hoe particularistisch is het oordeel van de strafrechter?
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 2 9-32. 2002.
    This contribution starts from the fact that up till now criminal legal theory has not yet dealed in a satisfactory way with the question how to reconciliate the still existing need in legal practice to abstract theories, principles and concepts, on the one hand, and the irreducible intuitive and context related dimension of the adjudicative process, on the other hand. At the outset of the essay, an effort is made to develop an anti-theoretical approach of adjudication, based upon the strongest p…Read more
  • Over het humaniseren van strafrecht
    Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 3 225-234. 2005.