•  29
    On Iconic-Discursive Representations: Do they Bring us Closer to a Humean Representational Mind?
    with Guillermo Lorenzo
    Biosemiotics 12 (3): 423-439. 2019.
    This paper argues, contrary to Fodor’s well-known position, that the iconic and discursive modes of representation are not mutually exclusive categories. It is argued that there exists at least a third kind of representation which blends the semantic properties of icons and the syntactic properties of discourses. We reason that this iconic-discursive genus behaves differently from other representational formats, such as distributed representations or maps, previously put forward as challenging F…Read more
  •  16
    On Iconic-Discursive Representations: Do they Bring us Closer to a Humean Representational Mind?
    with Guillermo Lorenzo
    Biosemiotics 12 (3): 423-439. 2019.
    This paper argues, contrary to Fodor’s well-known position, that the iconic and discursive modes of representation are not mutually exclusive categories. It is argued that there exists at least a third kind of representation which blends the semantic properties of icons and the syntactic properties of discourses. We reason that this iconic-discursive genus behaves differently from other representational formats, such as distributed representations or maps, previously put forward as challenging F…Read more