127Is AI Art Theft? The Moral Foundations of Copyright Law in the Context of AI Image GenerationPhilosophy and Technology 37 (3): 1-21. 2024.The recent swell of public interest in AI image generating software, such as Midjourney, DALL-E 2, and Stable Diffusion, has led to a great deal of consternation among conventional visual artists. Understanding that the process through which these machines generate images depends ultimately on a machine learning process that involves the use of copyrighted artworks, has led many artists to allege that AI art is theft. There has already been a substantive debate in the literature concerning wheth…Read more
35Democracy without Shortcuts: A Participatory Conception of Deliberative Democracy, written by Christina LafontJournal of Moral Philosophy 20 (5-6): 565-568. 2023.
25Overcoming Schumpeter’s Dichotomy: Democracy and the Public InterestInternational Philosophical Quarterly 62 (3): 367-380. 2022.For a given decision, when an undemocratic procedure would result in a good outcome, and a democratic procedure would result in a bad outcome, which decision procedure ought we to use? Epistemic democrats, such as Joseph Schumpeter, argue that all else being equal, we should prefer the procedure with the good outcome. Schumpeter’s argument for this position is that we must reject the view that only democratic procedures matter when evaluating government institutions (pure proceduralism), and the…Read more
22Democratic Equality Requires Randomly Selecting LegislatorsPublic Affairs Quarterly 38 (2): 132-152. 2024.In this paper, I argue that on an equality-based theory of democracy's value, randomly selecting legislators is more democratic than electing them. In sections 1 and 2, I describe how a legislature composed of randomly selected legislators might operate and what an equality-based theory of democracy's value consists in. In section 3, I evaluate arguments made in support of election-based democracy by democratic theorists and demonstrate why these arguments fail on their own terms. In section 4, …Read more
8The Democratic Legitimacy of the Micro‐Deliberative Shortcut: A Defense of Randomly Selecting LegislatorsJournal of Social Philosophy. forthcoming.Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
3Democratic Equality and the Elected Avatars of the PeopleDialogue. forthcoming.I argue that the use of elected political representatives undermines the political equality of citizens. Having elected representatives politically stand-in for individual constituents makes ordinary citizens the political inferiors of their representatives. This in turn creates democratically problematic social inequality between elected politicians and their constituents. I then offer an alternative to representative politicians that does not face the avatar of the people problem: representati…Read more
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