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    It would seem to the purpose here to consider the Dutch historian Johan Huizinga in his relation to his fellow-historians, Robert Fruin and Jan Romein. For in this trio Huizinga contrasted with Fruin, and in his turn Romein contrasted with Huizinga, whereas, on the other hand, in spite of their different view-points, they are at the same time connected by the plainly unbroken line of liberal adogmatism. Fruin the father of Dutch historiography, was original in his liberal adogmatism. Not a singl…Read more
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    Ondernemingsrecht vanuit economische invalshoek
    with C. F. Elst
    In W. C. T. Weterings (ed.), De economische analyse van het recht: rechtseconomische beschouwingen, Boom Juridische Uitgevers. 2007.
  • Historisch ? Twee opstellen over de aard van de geschiedkennis
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 36 (1): 173-174. 1974.