322Lockean and Cultural Property concepts of property do not oblige museums to repatriation artefacts: A critique of using Property Claims to defend RepatriationDissertation, Nottingham University. 2023.This dissertation asks the question of how ownership over property in museums is decided. It concludes that for a range of candidate concepts of property, none of them oblige museums to repatriate artefacts unless we weaken Young’s theory to repatriate through how much artefacts are valued by a culture. However, this dissertation rejects the Ownership Argument as a defence for repatriation. To do this, it will be considering three options of how we understand ‘property’ through three scholars: L…Read more
Esha K Dev
BPP University
BPP UniversityMasters student
Areas of Specialization
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Rights to Reparations |
Property Rights |
John Locke |
Reparations |
Obligation |
Property |