316Pandemic Politics - An IntroductionActa Academica 53 (2): 1-11. 2021.The outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020 and the various measures taken subsequently, either by individual countries or by government and nongovernment bodies with a global reach, have had a profound effect on human lives on a number of levels, be it social, economic, legal, or political. The scramble to respond to the threat posed by the rapid spread of the virus has, in many cases, led to a suspension of ordinary politics whilst at the same time throwing into sharp relief the profoundly politica…Read more
278Culture Industry 2.0: Africa, Global South, WorldActa Academica 55 (2): 1-8. 2023.It has been the better part of a century since the appearance of Dialectic of Enlightenment, and the technologies of mass communication that Adorno and Horkheimer placed at the centre of their analysis of mass culture have altered beyond recognition, and with them the culture itself. And this in turn raises the question of the continuing relevance of the ‘culture industry’ concept. Does the contemporary culture industry still operate along the same lines…Read more
282Right now: Contemporary forms of far-right populism and fascism in the Global SouthActa Academica 54 (3): 1-11. 2022.Recent years have seen the global emergence of populist political formations, leading certain scholars to term our present age the “age of populism” and some politicians, such as Hungary’s current prime minister Viktor Orbán, to proclaim that “the era of liberal democracy is over”. Contemporary forms of populism are characterized by ‘us’ (often ‘the people’ in an ethnic or communal sense) versus ‘them’ (usually liberal elites, the establishment, …Read more
21Humanising pedagogy: A politico-economic perspectiveEducational Philosophy and Theory 55 (5): 634-651. 2023.In this article I shall reflect on the issue of humanising pedagogy, taking a view that dehumanisation, in general, comes from two kinds of oppression. I shall argue that, apart from oppression of the political type, tertiary education is also a victim of another type of oppression which contributes to its dehumanisation, viz. the oppression exercised by the economic system that South Africa has chosen to adopt after 1994. In the context of these two factors, I shall discuss what humanising peda…Read more
160Contested identities - Critical Conceptualisations of the HumanActa Academica 52 (2): 1-13. 2020.This special issue of Acta Academica contains a collection of papers on the topic of Contested Identities, presented during the 3rd Annual Conference of the South African Society for Critical Theory, held at the University of KwaZulu/Natal, South Africa.
35The “six-line essay” writing intervention for first-year philosophy students: A preliminary reportSouth African Journal of Philosophy 39 (4): 411-422. 2020.This paper aims at presenting the argument for the modification of Dennis Earl’s ‘four-sentence paper’ template into the ‘six-line essay” writing intervention. The underlying reason for this research is a relative paucity of literature covering the topic of philosophy writing interventions at a beginner’s level. In order to fill this gap, the paper takes the following course. For general background, it presents the general views on teaching essay writing and the relative unavailability of philos…Read more
23Intergenerational transmission of violence: Is violence a pathology of intersubjective contact?South African Journal of Philosophy 38 (2): 189-202. 2019.
24Introduction: From Adorno to Azania - Critical Theory ReloadedSouth African Journal of Philosophy 38 (2): 123-126. 2019.This special issue of South African Journal of Philosophy contains a collection of papers on the topic From Adorno to Azania, presented during the 2nd Annual Conference of the South African Society for Critical Theory, held at the University of Zululand, South Africa.
234Distress and Turmoil – Learning a Language, Ego States and being-in-the-worldIndo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 13 (1): 1-10. 2013.This paper suggests that learning a language is accomplished through the formation of new language identities and explains this process through the use of existential phenomenology. In order for learning (and specifically, the learning of a language) to happen, a permanent change in the identity of the learner must occur. The paper suggests the introduction of the concept of linguistic ego states as a model for such a change in learner identity which, in turn, brings about the embodied (not just…Read more
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