•  220
    In this paper I first present Dan Korman’s (2015) recent defence of a conservative view as regards the existence and composition of material objects, and then go on to criticize some of his arguments. I will focus on two related issues: on the one hand, I argue that his defense of that kind of view by making use of what he calls “arguments from counterexamples” has some metaontological presuppositions that are indeed unacceptable for someone defending the revisionist views he opposes; on the oth…Read more
  •  197
    In this paper I present and critically discuss Simon Evnine’s account of hylomorphically complex objects (as presented in his 2016 book Making Objects and Events). On the one hand, I object to the account he gives of how artifacts (which are for him the paradigmatic cases of hylomorphically complex objects) allegedly acquire their existence and identity conditions. I elaborate on two problems I see for this account: first, that it seems unable to explain our knowledge of the kinds to which artif…Read more
  •  115
    Causación (Spanish translation of Lewis' 'Causation')
    Ideas Y Valores 65 (162): 367-380. 2016.
    El artículo que sigue fue publicado originalmente con el título "Causation" en el Journal of Philosophy 70.17 : 556-567, y luego reimpreso en Lewis, D. Philosophical Papers. Vol. II. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1986. 159-172. Esta traducción se publica conla autorización del Journal of Philosophy y de Oxford University Press.Querría agradecer aquí a Santiago Erpen, María José García Encinas,Diego Morales y Carolina Sartorio por diversos comentarios y sugerencias que me han permitido, espero,…Read more
  •  114
    Second Order Decriptions and General Term Rigidity
    Critica 45 (135): 3-27. 2013.
    examine Nathan Salmon’s solution to the problem of trivialization, as it arises for conceptions of general term rigidity that construe it as identity of designation across possible worlds. I argue that he does not succeed in showing that some alleged general terms, such as “the colour of the sky” are non-rigid, but also that a small class of different examples that he presents, which can be construed as second order descriptions, are indeed non-rigid general terms, although for reasons different…Read more
  •  112
    I consider some of the objections that have been raised against a conceptualist solution to the “grounding problem”, I address in particular two objections that I call Conceptual Validity and Instantiation, and I attempt to answer them on behalf of the conceptualist. My response, in a nutshell, is that the first of these objections fails because it ascribes to the conceptualist some commitments that do not really follow from the view’s basic insight, while the second objection also fails because…Read more
  •  72
    Una lectura epistémica de la falsedad material cartesiana
    Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 37 (2): 189-212. 2011.
    In the present paper I defend an interpretation of the Cartesian notion of material falsity that it would be adequate to describe as ‘epistemic’, as opposed to most other views in the literature, which could be described as ‘metaphysical’. Whereas metaphysical conceptions of material falsity consider an idea to be such because of some kind of failure in their representative properties, that is, in the relation between what they exhibit and their objects, an epistemic view considers that what mak…Read more
  •  38
    Descartes on Corporeal Substances
    Quaderns de Filosofia 2 (2). 2015.
    I defend in this paper the following two theses: first, that Descartes was a Pluralist as regards extended substances, that is, that for him the extended world includes a plurality of bodies, including ordinary objects, each of which may be adequately described as a substance; and that for him the notion of substance is a rather slim notion, making no specific requirements as regards individuation or persistence conditions, and determining therefore no strict constraints on the kind of material …Read more
  •  29
    Ontologías abundantes y rigidez para expresiones predicativas
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 29 (1): 113. 2014.
    En este trabajo, critico una estrategia argumental que ha sido utilizada para defender la concepción de la rigidez para expresiones predicativas entendida como identidad de lo designado en los distintos mundos posibles. Se trata de una estrategia basada en la suposición de que las descripciones tendrían la capacidad de designar individuos inusuales en la misma medida en que ciertas expresiones predicativas descriptivas serían capaces de designar propiedades inusuales. Señalo que esta suposición …Read more
  •  28
    Introduction: General term rigidity and Devitt's rigid appliers
    Análisis Filosófico 29 (2): 193-197. 2009.
    In this essay, I present a problem that originates in Kripke's contention, in Naming and Necessity, that natural kind terms are rigid, namely, the problem of how to understand the notion of rigidity when it is applied to general terms. I also give an account, in a principled way, of the main theoretical options that seem to be available to solve that problem, and sketch the main features of Michael Devitt's proposal against that background. En este trabajo, hago una presentación de un problema q…Read more
  •  21
    The problem of extensional adequacy for Devitt's rigid appliers
    Análisis Filosófico 29 (2): 219-237. 2009.
    In the present paper, I examine how Michael Devitt's proposal as to how to understand the notion of rigidity for general terms fares as regards what I have called the 'criterion of extensional adequacy' for any such notion -namely, the condition according to which any notion of general term rigidity should make the class of rigid terms coincide with that of natural kind terms. I try to show that Devitt's defense of his view from the usual objections raised in the literature fails. In the first p…Read more
  •  21
    with David Lewis
    Ideas Y Valores 65 (162): 367-380. 2016.
    El artículo que sigue fue publicado originalmente con el título "Causation" en el Journal of Philosophy 70.17 (1973): 556-567, y luego reimpreso (con comentarios posteriores que no se incluyen enla presente versión) en Lewis, D. Philosophical Papers. Vol. II. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1986. 159-172. Esta traducción se publica conla autorización del Journal of Philosophy y de Oxford University Press.Querría agradecer aquí a Santiago Erpen, María José García Encinas,Diego Morales y Carolina …Read more
  •  14
    Sutton’s Solution to the Grounding Problem
    Manuscrito 46 (1): 1-28. 2023.
    I critically discuss Sutton’s 2012 attempt to solve the so-called “grounding problem” for coincident objects, namely, the difficulty of explaining how such objects, such as a statue and the lump of clay from which it was made, can have distinct kind and modal properties, even though they share the same proper parts and basic microphysical properties. Sutton bases her solution on an account of the extrinsic composition of the different sorts of objects involved in such cases - in particular, arte…Read more
  •  13
    Making sense of the ‘is’ of constitution
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 36 (1): 25-47. 2021.
    I consider a problem that arises in connection with (alleged) cases of coincident objects (such as a statue and the lump of clay it is made of) and that affects the two main accounts that have been given of such cases, namely, Pluralism (according to which statue and lump are distinct) and Monism (according to which they are one). The problem is that both views seem committed to accepting strained interpretations of some of the statements used to describe the situation. I consider Pickel’s argum…Read more
  •  12
    El misterioso compatibilismo cartesiano
    Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 16 1-16. 2020.
    I argue in this paper that Descartes is committed both to a compatibilist view concerning the relation between free will and divine preordination, namely, one according to which both of these views come out true, and to a libertarian view as regards human free will. I defend here that what allows our author to maintain both of these committments is what I call Mysterism, namely, the view according to which God's immense and incomprehensible nature explains our incapacity to understand fully that…Read more
  •  7
    Considero la propuesta reciente de Vicente, Fraser y Castroviejo según la cual hay (al menos) dos tipos distintos de lenguaje peyorativo en español, uno de los cuales (el que apela a términos neutros usados como insultos) no ha sido, según los autores, suficientemente apreciado y estudiado. Si bien concuerdo con la importancia de la distinción, sugiero una explicación alternativa a la que ellos dan del fenómeno de los términos neutros usados como insultos, que sugiere entenderlos como un caso pa…Read more
  •  1
    Natural kinds, natural kind terms and the notion of rigidity
    Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 31 (2): 171-185. 2012.
  • Comentario Bibliografico (Pascher, Einfühurung in den Neukantianismus) (review)
    Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 27 (1): 177-179. 2001.
  • Identidades "a posteriori" y hacedores de verdad: modos de salir de una aporía
    Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 33 (1): 117-130. 2007.
  • Identidades a posteriori y hacedores de verdad: modos de salir de una aporía
    Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 33 (1): 117-130. 2007.