•  15
    In vivo local determination of tissue optical properties: Applications to human brain
    with D. Piguet, P. Marquet, J. D. Gross, B. J. Tromberg, and C. Depeursinge
    Local and superficial near-infrared optical-property characterization of turbid biological tissues can be achieved by measurement of spatially resolved diffuse reflectance at small source-detector separations. However, in these conditions the inverse problem, i.e., calculation of localized absorption and the reduced scattering coefficients, is necessarily sensitive to the scattering phase function. This effect can be minimized if a new parameter of the phase function g, which depends on the firs…Read more
  •  15
    Spectroscopy enhances the information content of optical mammography
    with A. E. Cerussi, D. Jakubowski, N. Shah, R. Lanning, A. J. Berger, D. Hsiang, J. Butler, R. F. Holcombe, and B. J. Tromberg
    Near-infrared diffuse optical spectroscopy and imaging may enhance existing technologies for breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment. NIR techniques are based on quantitative measurements of functional contrast between healthy and diseased tissue. In this study we measured the spectral dependence of tissue absorption and reduced scattering in the breasts of 30 healthy women and one woman with a fibroadenoma using a seven-wavelength frequency-domain photon migration probe. Subjects incl…Read more
  •  10
    Congruent MRI and near-infrared spectroscopy for functional and structural imaging of tumors
    with G. Gulsen, H. Yu, J. Wang, O. Nalcioglu, S. Merritt, A. J. Durkin, D. J. Cuccia, R. Lanning, and B. J. Tromberg
    We present a combined near-infrared diffuse optical spectroscopy and Magnetic Resonance Imaging system for the study of animal model tumors. A combined broad-band steady-state and frequency domain optical spectroscopy apparatus was integrated with the MRI. The physiological properties of tissue rendered by MRI, including vascular volume fraction and water, were compared with chromophore concentrations as determined from the parameters obtained by optical measurements. DOS measurements provided o…Read more
  •  8
    Quantitation and mapping of tissue optical properties using modulated imaging
    with D. J. Cuccia, A. J. Durkin, F. R. Ayers, and B. J. Tromberg
    We describe the development of a rapid, noncontact imaging method, modulated imaging, for quantitative, wide-field characterization of optical absorption and scattering properties of turbid media. MI utilizes principles of frequency-domain sampling and model-based analysis of the spatial modulation transfer function. We present and compare analytic diffusion and probabilistic Monte Carlo models of diffuse reflectance in the spatial frequency domain. Next, we perform MI measurements on tissue-sim…Read more
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    Perturbation Monte Carlo methods to solve inverse photon migration problems in heterogeneous tissues
    with C. K. Hayakawa, J. Spanier, A. K. Dunn, J. S. You, B. J. Tromberg, and V. Venugopalan
    We introduce a novel and efficient method to provide solutions to inverse photon migration problems in heterogeneous turbid media. The method extracts derivative information from a single Monte Carlo simulation to permit the rapid determination of rates of change in the detected photon signal with respect to perturbations in background tissue optical properties. We then feed this derivative information to a nonlinear optimization algorithm to determine the optical properties of the tissue hetero…Read more
  •  6
    Presurgical chemotherapy is widely used in the treatment of locally advanced breast cancer. Monitoring the response to therapy can improve survival and reduce morbidity. We employ a noninvasive, near-infrared method based on diffuse optical spectroscopy to quantitatively monitor tumor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. DOS was used to monitor tumor response in one patient with locally advanced breast cancer throughout the course of her therapy. Measurements were performed prior to doxorubicin…Read more
  •  6
    Absorption and reduced scattering spectra of turbid media were quantified with a noncontact imaging approach based on a Fourier-transform interferometric imaging system. The FTIIS was used to collect hyperspectral images of the steady-state diffuse reflectance from turbid media. Spatially resolved reflectance data from Monte Carlo simulations were fitted to the recorded hyperspectral images to quantify ma and m9s spectra in the 550-850-nm region. A simple and effective calibration approach was i…Read more
  •  4
    Coregistration of diffuse optical spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging in a rat tumor model
    with S. Merritt, A. J. Durkin, D. J. Cuccia, R. Lanning, B. J. Tromberg, H. Yu, J. Wang, and O. Nalcioglu
    We report coregistration of near-infrared diffuse optical spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging for the study of animal model tumors. A combined broadband steady-state and frequency-domain apparatus was used to determine tissue oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, and water concentration locally in tumors. Simultaneous MRI coregistration provided structural and contrast-enhanced images of the tumor that were correlated with the optical measurements. By use of Monte Carlo simulations, the optica…Read more
  •  3
    Sources of absorption and scattering contrast for near-infrared optical mammography
    with A. E. Cerussi, A. J. Berger, N. Shah, D. Jakubowski, J. Butler, R. F. Holcombe, and B. J. Tromberg
    Rationale and Objectives. Near-infrared diffuse optical spectroscopy and imaging may enhance existing technologies for breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment. NIR techniques are based on sensitive, quantitative measurements of functional contrast between healthy and diseased tissue. In this study, the authors quantified the origins of this contrast in healthy breasts. Materials and Methods. A seven-wavelength frequency-domain photon migration probe was used to perform noninvasive NIR …Read more
  •  2
    We present a study of the dynamics of optical contrast agents indocyanine green and methylene blue in an adenocarcinoma rat tumor model. Measurements are conducted with a combined frequency-domain and steady-state optical technique that facilitates rapid measurement of tissue absorption in the 650–1000-nm spectral region. Tumors were also imaged by use of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and coregistered with the location of the optical probe. The absolute concentrations of contrast …Read more