•  9
    Democratic renewal and the spirit of democracy
    with Corrado Fumagalli, Enrico Biale, Steven Klein, Sharon R. Krause, and Sofia Näsström
    Contemporary Political Theory 23 (3): 433-455. 2024.
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    Democratic Renewal and the Spirit of Democracy
    with Corrado Fumagalli, Enrico Biale, Steven Klein, Sharon Krause, and Sofia Näsström
    Contemporary Political Theory (forthcoming): 1-23. 2023.
    Taking seriously the task of sustaining the democratic project requires debunking pessimism, thinking critically about what constitutes the distinctive character of democracy, and taking a future-oriented perspective on democratic transformations.
  •  45
    This book investigates the unresolved issue of democratic legitimacy in contexts of pervasive disagreement and contributes to this debate by defending a relational version of political liberalism that rests on the ideal of co-authorship. According to this proposal, democratic legitimacy depends upon establishing appropriate interactions among citizens who ought to ascribe to one another the status of putative practical and epistemic authorities. To support this relational reading of political li…Read more
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    Toleration as the Balance Between Liberty and Security
    The Journal of Ethics 25 (2): 161-179. 2021.
    Traditionally, an adequate strategy to deal with the tension between liberty and security has been toleration, for the latter allows the maximization of individual liberty without endangering security, since it embraces the limits set by the harm principle and the principle of self-defense of the liberal order. The area outside the boundary clearly requires repressive measures to protect the security and the rights of all. In this paper, we focus on the balance of liberty and security afforded b…Read more
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    Epistemic Injustice in the Political Domain: Powerless Citizens and Institutional Reform
    Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (5): 797-813. 2020.
    Democratic legitimacy is often grounded in proceduralist terms, referring to the ideal of political equality that should be mirrored by fair procedures of decision-making. The paper argues (§1) that the normative commitments embedded in a non-minimalist account of procedural legitimacy are well expressed by the ideal of co-authorship. Against this background, the main goal of the paper is to argue that structural forms of epistemic injustice are detrimental to the overall legitimacy of democrati…Read more
  •  58
    Reasonableness as a virtue of citizenship and the opacity respect requirement
    Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (8): 901-921. 2020.
    This article defends a specific account of reasonableness as a virtue of liberal citizenship. I specify an account of reasonableness that I argue is more consistent with the phenomenology of intersubjective exchanges among citizens over political matters in contexts of deep disagreement. My reading requires reasonable citizens to undertake an attitude of epistemic modesty while deliberating public matters with agents who hold views different from theirs. In contrast with my view, I debate Mar…Read more
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    Decisioni pubbliche e disaccordo
    LUISS University Press. 2017.
    In this book I address the widely debated topic of the legitimacy of democratic decisions showing that the traditional concept of the legitimacy of political authority developed by liberal theories involves dilemmatic outcomes. In order to solve this intrinsic tension of the liberal model of legitimacy, I argue that the legitimacy of political decisions must be granted with a two steps strategy that involves both ideal and non-ideal analysis. Starting from the models developed by John Rawls and …Read more
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    A multidimensional account of democratic legitimacy: how to make robust decisions in a non-idealized deliberative context
    Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (5): 580-600. 2017.
    This paper analyses the possibility of granting legitimacy to democratic decisionmaking procedures in a context of deep pluralism. We defend a multidimensional account according to which a legitimate system needs to grant, on the one hand, that citizens should be included on an equal footing and acknowledged as reflexive political agents rather than mere beneficiaries of policies, and, on the other hand, that their decisions have an epistemic quality. While Estlund’s account of imperfect epistem…Read more
  •  36
    Introduction: democracy, diversity
    Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (5): 529-536. 2017.
    The chapters in this book deal with different, though related, topics concerning the tense relationship between democracy and diversity. On the one hand, social diversity represents an opportunity, widening the horizon of social options and perspectives of innovation, but, on the other hand, it creates problems for the social cohesion and peaceful coexistence of many groups, be they majority or minority. The chapters depart from the intrinsic connection between democracy and diversity – and the …Read more
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    Proceduralism and the epistemic dilemma of Supreme Courts
    Social Epistemology 31 (3): 310-323. 2017.
    Proceduralists hold that democracy has a non-instrumental value consisting in the ideal of equality incorporated by fair procedures. Yet, proceduralism does not imply that every outcome of a democratic procedure is fair per se. In the non-ideal setting of constitutional democracies, government and legislative decisions may result from factional conflicts, or depend on majoritarian dictatorships. In these circumstances, Supreme Courts provide a guardianship against contested outcomes by enacting …Read more
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    The epistemic dimension of reasonableness
    Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (6): 517-535. 2015.
    My aim in this article is to investigate the epistemic dimension of reasonableness. In the last decades, the concept of reasonableness has been deeply analysed, and yet, I maintain that a strictly epistemic analysis of reasonableness is still lacking. The goal of this article is to clarify which epistemic features characterize reasonableness as one of the fundamental virtues in the political domain. In order to justify political liberalism through a public justification that averts the risk of f…Read more