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    Managerial Abilities: Evidence from Religious Mutual Fund Managers (review)
    with Luis Ferruz and María Vargas
    Journal of Business Ethics 105 (4): 503-517. 2012.
    In this study, we analyze the financial performance and the managerial abilities of religious mutual fund managers, implementing a comparative analysis with conventional mutual funds. We use a broad sample, free of survivorship bias, of religious equity mutual funds from the US market, for the period from January 1994 to September 2010. We build a matched-pair conventional sample in order to compare the results obtained for both kinds of mutual fund managers. We analyze stock-picking and market …Read more
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    As far as we are aware, this study presents the first comparative analysis of the stock picking and market timing abilities of managers of conventional and socially responsible (SR) pension funds, and of their use of superior information. For the United Kingdom, the results obtained show a slight stock picking ability on the part of SR pension fund managers (although it disappears if multifactorial models are considered), and a negative market timing ability on the part of both SR and convention…Read more
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    Environmental Mutual Funds: Financial Performance and Managerial Abilities
    with Maria Vargas and Isabel Marco
    Journal of Business Ethics 124 (4): 551-569. 2014.
    This article analyzes the financial performance and managerial abilities of a sample of US and European socially responsible (SR) mutual funds. The period analyzed commences from January 1994 and concludes in January 2013 and yields 18 US and 89 European green funds. The results obtained for green fund managers are compared with those achieved for conventional and other forms of SR mutual fund managers. We control for the mutual fund investment objective (distinguishing between domestic and glob…Read more
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    Socially responsible downsizing: Comparing family and non‐family firms
    with Maria J. Sanchez-Bueno and Jose I. Galan
    Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (1): 35-55. 2019.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Sin sectors and negative screening
    Business Ethics: A European Review 30 (2): 216-230. 2021.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 216-230, April 2021.
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    The power of ethical words
    with Mercedes Alda and María Vargas
    Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (4): 547-567. 2024.
    In this research, we analyse the impact of the inclusion of ethical expressions in the prospectuses of socially responsible (SR) mutual funds on money flows. We contribute to the existing literature by proposing a text-based measure that integrates three attributes that are relevant to whether clients are attracted: exclusiveness, intensity and lexical diversity. We analyse a sample formed of 266 SR US equity mutual funds in the period 1999–2019. Our findings show that both the proposed indicato…Read more
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    Socially responsible mutual fund exit decisions
    with Mercedes Alda and María Vargas
    Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (1): 82-97. 2019.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    El objetivo de este estudio es demostrar la estrecha relación que media entre dos de los manuscritos que actualmente se conservan de la traducción latina del Corán de Robert de Ketton (1142-1143), y la figura de Juan de Segobia (1390/5-1458), quien desde 1437 había estudiado esta versión del Corán hasta que él mismo, con la colaboración de un alfaquí hispano, elaboró una nueva traducción. Tras exponer las noticias que Juan de Segobia ofrece sobre los ejemplares del Corán latino que poseyó, se es…Read more