101Definitions of ManDiogenes 3 (11): 73-84. 1955.The interpretation of man which I have defended in my book, Theory of Man, agrees with the Linnaean designation of homo sapiens, which is more exact, in my opinion, than the classical one of “rational animal.” In that work I maintain that what is peculiar to man is that he is conscious of a reality outside of himself and of his own intimate being, or, in other words, that he recognizes the independent existence of the world and is an ego. Both matters can be reduced to a unique primary function:…Read more
52Aquinas on the Inferiority of WomanAmerican Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (4): 685-710. 2013.Aquinas has been accused of being a sexist for making the following four claims about woman: (1) woman is a deficient male; (2) woman was created only for the purpose of procreation; (3) woman is inferior to man; (4) woman must submit to man. Some scholars, notably Michael Nolan, have attempted to defend Thomas, and a few have even gone so far as calling him a feminist. The aim of this paper is to show that Aquinas did hold these four claims throughout his career, and to show in what sense he he…Read more
48Tendencias contemporáneas en el pensamineto hispanoamericanoPhilosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (2): 127-134. 1943.
39Sobre el Espiritu Y la actitud Espiritual en las grandes culturasPhilosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (3): 433-439. 1948.
30Un grand philosophe de l'uruguay Carlos vaz Ferreira (1872-1958)Les Etudes Philosophiques 13 (3). 1958.
28The Dialectical Status of Religious Discourse in Averroes and AquinasAmerican Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (2): 361-379. 2014.The oft-rehearsed, seldom-contested story of Aquinas’s account of sacra doctrina has him holding that revealed theology counts as a demonstrative science, along Aristotelian lines, because it is subaltern to God’s self-knowledge. This paper seeks to question this assessment of the matter by comparing Aquinas’s view to that of another great Aristotelian commentator, Averroes, who holds the contrary position, insofar as he considered religious discourse to be dialectical, and not scientific, in na…Read more
21De la decisión a la acción: estudio sobre el imperium en Tomás de AquinoDianoia 57 (68): 213-220. 2012.En este ensayo se examina de manera crítica el desarrollo de la filosofía analítica y, en particular, de la filosofía analítica latinoamericana. Se propone que esta última adopte un giro político y uno pedagógico con el fin de recuperar su espíritu original y reconectarse con la tradición intelectual latinoamericana. This essay is a critical examination of the development of analytic philosophy and, in particular, of Latin American analytic philosophy. It is argued that the latter ought to adopt…Read more
14Theory of manUniversity of California Press. 1964.Also resting on this foundation, though in less direct fashion, is the spirit, the principle whereby man passes beyond the natural realm. ...
10Francisco Romero, maestro de la filosofía latinoamericana (edited book)Sociedad Interamericana de Filosofía, Secretaría. 1983.
10The finality of religion in Aquinas' theory of human actsDissertation, Marquette University. 2009.The study examines the end or purpose of the acts of the virtue of religion within Thomas Aquinas' ethics of human action. What is the end of religious worship? Is it God, or is it the worshippers themselves? On the one hand, one would presume that God cannot be the end of religion because, from the perspective of Classical Theism (of which Aquinas is a main proponent), God cannot benefit from the activity of creatures. But on the other hand, if the worshipper is the end of religious acts, would…Read more
7La estructura de la historia de la filosofía y otros ensayosEditorial Losada. 1967.Sobre la historia de la filosofía.--Sobre tipos y modalidades de filósofos.--Sobre filósofos modernos.--Sobre el romanticismo filosófico.--Sobre filosofía contemporánea.--Noticia sobre los trabajos contenidos en este volumen.
6Selección de escritosSecretaría de Cultura de la Nación en coproducción con Editorial Marymar. 1994.
Alejandro KornEditorial Reconstruir. 1940.Romero, Francisco. Alejandro Korn.--Vassallo, Angel. Presentación de A. Korn, filósofo.--Aznar, Luis. Apuntaciones biográficas.--Apéndices: Romero, Francisco. Recuerdo de A. Korn. El testamento de un filósofo.