51Rizzi's HonorTelos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (66): 105-109. 1985.In the famous opening sentence of The Eighteenth Brumaire, Marx notes that somewhere Hegel had written that great world-historical phenomena occur twice, neglecting to add, however, the first time as tragedy, the second as farce. Given what we now know of the heretofore hidden side of Bruno Rizzi, still another revision seems in order: sometimes such phenomena make yet a third appearance, this time as embarrassment, rank embarrassment. Indeed, Rizzi's name surfaced in three such sequential conte…Read more
49Israel's Mizrahim: “Other” Victims of Zionism or a Bridge to Regional Reconciliation?Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2011 (156): 61-75. 2011.ExcerptIt may come as a surprise to those unfamiliar with Israeli society, and especially to those who have been led to believe it composed primarily of European Jews who settled in the Middle East, that roughly half of Israel's Jewish population is made up of Jews who for millennia were deeply rooted in the region, and who were summarily expelled from Arab states after Israel was founded in 1948. In fact, this Arab Jewish population exceeds in number those Palestinians who were displaced, and i…Read more
42The Hermeneutics of CivilityTelos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2010 (152): 171-180. 2010.ExcerptMy focus shall be on challenges to civility in Europe raised by the presence of sizable immigrant communities, which, unlike those of earlier times, are significantly different from host populations in terms of national origin, race, religion, ethnicity, and culture. Coming principally from former colonial territories, their otherness additionally bears the deep historical imprint of inferiority and subordination, merited or not, to the degree that to Europeans they sometimes appear to be…Read more
21Racism, Antiracism and the Decline of the French LeftTelos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1995 (103): 189-192. 1995.
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10Introduction: The Particularities of Fascist Anti-SemitismTelos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2013 (164): 3-10. 2013.ExcerptWhen we examine European anti-Semitism during the 1930s, and especially the Shoah, the case of Germany looms so large that the Nazi regime immediately appears as the paradigmatic form of fascism and the manifold policies directed against European Jewry during the 1930s little more than German racial policy writ large. Without in any way trivializing or, worse, relativizing in an ethical sense the German case, one might nevertheless suggest that it occupies too much conceptual space and oc…Read more
9Zu einigen Fragen des theoretischen Verständnisses und der praktischen Durchsetzung des sozialistischen LeistungsprinzipsDeutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 31 (9): 1054. 1983.
9On Mirella Serri, Fascist Culture, and Redeemed IntellectualsTelos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2007 (139): 45-58. 2007.
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4Das sozialistische Leistungsprinzip in der Dialektik von sozialer Gleichheit und DifferenziertheitDeutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 34 (2): 116. 1986.
2On Mussolini and the Jews: A Critical Response to CabonaTelos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2005 (133): 120-130. 2005.
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