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    The ethical aspect of regularisation in medicine
    with Stephan Sahm
    Ethik in der Medizin 13 (4): 221-242. 2001.
    Diminishing resources seem to be forcing rationing of medical services. Rationing the public health care system means that there needs to be ethical discussion on justice. Several years before resource allocation could impact on the levels of morbidity and mortality, economic problems created numerous methods of regulating medical and nursing services. In clinical practice, regularisation means a reduction of the possibility to decide autonomously and therefore requires specific ethical discussi…Read more
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    Zusammenfassung. Die Ballonangioplastie (PTCA) expandiert quantitativ und qualitativ, Eingriffe werden in wesentlich erweiterten Indikationen durchgeführt, immer häufiger auch in prophylaktischer Indikation. In einer Situation ohne allgemein akzeptierte Richtlinien für Indikation und Durchführung begann die „Arbeitsgemeinschaft leitender kardiologischer Krankenhausärzte” (ALKK) 1992 mit einem PTCA-Register, um eine Übersicht über die eigenen Handlungsgewohnheiten und zugleich den Anfang einer in…Read more
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    Definition of the problem: In 1997, Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) was performed in 138.001 cases in Germany. The standard indications, single vessel disease and badly controlled angina, are more and more extended to multivessel disease with and without severe angina, unstable or preinfarction angina, and acute myocardial infarction (AMI) itself. Dilating asymptomatic stenoses of more than 70–80% is a widely used indication, intending prophylaxis of complete occlusion and …Read more