•  303
    Emozioni, sensazioni, intelletto. Riflessioni sulla problematica opposizione razionale/irrazionale
    Reti Saperi Linguaggi. Italian Journal for Cognitive Sciences 11 (1/2022): 30-59. 2022.
    The opposition between a rational and an irrational behavior or thought poses difficulties in understanding: what do we really mean by «irrational»? A behavior or a thought that adheres to emotions and does not arise from slow reflection can be considered irrational; on the other hand, can we state that emotional reactions and intuitions are «irrational»? I draw from Aristotle’s De Anima the idea of bringing emotions, sensations and i…Read more
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    Segno e scrittura in Così parlò Zaratustra
    Idee 49 (3): 55-88. 2002.
    Deleuze’s interpretation of Nietzsche, the function of biological dialectic and the symbolic value of sign and writing in “Also sprach Zarathustra”. Sexual difference and Derridian interpretation of Nietzsche’s Zarathustra.
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    Bisogna stabilire innanzitutto se parlare di differenza fra essere e linguaggio è in termini heideggeriani possibile.
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    The determination of philosophy is the work of those who cooperate in the construction of knowledge, in its disparate fields, and at the same time preserve the very sense of indeterminacy. There are no areas of knowledge that cannot be also philosophical, nor can the themes, lines of research and styles of thought be limited a priori. The philosophy, it is said, is the search for truth. This is the most common definition, and therefore also the more covering than a possible new point of view, wh…Read more
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    Il duplice significato dell'essere
    Studium Philosophicum 10 (10): 1-20. forthcoming.
    This is my first professional philosophical essay. I wrote "The twofold meaning of being" in 1996 when I was a student of Nunzio Incardona at University of Palermo (Italy) and before my degree thesis, "The difference in Aristotle’s Metaphysics". It still waits to be published.
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    I will argue for the similarity between some aspects of Aristotle’s doctrine of causes and a particular kind of interventionist theory of causality. The interventionist account hypothesizes that there is a connection between causation and human intervention: the idea of a causal relation between two events is generated by the reflection of human beings on their own operating. This view is remindful of the Aristotelian concept of αἴτιον, which is linked to the figure of the αἴτιος, the person who…Read more
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    Free Action and Interventionist Theories of Causality
    Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 10 (3): 282-294. 2019.
    : I shall discuss the relationship between the interventionist theory of causation and free action. Interventionist accounts of causation define causation on the basis of “intervention”. These theories can be reductive, if they explain causes on the basis of free human interventions, or non-reductive, if they consider causes and interventions as two inter-defined concepts, where interventions are regarded as explicitly not human. I will show that the dilemma between reductive and non-reductive i…Read more
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    I will argue for the similarity between some aspects of Aristotle’s doctrine of causes and a particular kind of interventionist theory of causality. The interventionist account hypothesizes that there is a connection between causation and human intervention: the idea of a causal relation between two events is generated by the reflection of human beings on their own operating. This view is remindful of the Aristotelian concept of αἴτιον, which is linked to the figure of the αἴτιος, the person who…Read more
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    Philosophical essays on language, ontology and science (edited book)
    with Luciano Sesta
    FrancoAngeli. 2013.