Uncovering a 'new' WhiteheadIn Brian G. Henning & Joseph Petek (eds.), Whitehead at Harvard, 1924–1925, Edinburgh University Press. 2019.
8From Jus ad bellum to Jus ad pacem: Rethinking Just War Criteria for the Use of Military Force for Humanitarian EndsIn Dean Chatterjee & Donald Scheid (eds.), Ethics and Foreign Intervention, Cambridge University Press. 2003.
23Ethics and the military profession: the moral foundations of leadership (edited book)Pearson. 2014.
Military ethics and the importance of cultural competencyIn Don Carrick, James Connelly & David Whetham (eds.), Making the Military Moral: Contemporary Challenges and Responses in Military Ethics Education, Routledge/taylor & Francis Group. 2018.
26Review of Michael Robillard and Bradley Strawser: Outsourcing Duty: The Moral Exploitation of the American Soldier (review)Ethics 134 (3): 436-438. 2024.
19Limited Force and the Fight for the Just War TraditionJournal of Military Ethics 22 (3): 289-291. 2023.Volume 22, Issue 3-4, November - December 2023.
26The Rehabilitation of Whitehead: An Analytic and Historical Assessment of Process PhilosophyState University of New York Press. 1989."Lucas' book competently brings Whitehead's philosophy into dialogue with "analytic" philosophy. This is a topic of great originality and considerable potential importance for the field of philosophy.
28Response to Michael Gross: Military Ethics, Insurgency, and the Rise of ‘Soft War’Journal of Military Ethics 14 (3-4): 251-254. 2015.
38Ethics and Cyber Conflict: A Response to JME 12:1 (2013)Journal of Military Ethics 13 (1): 20-31. 2014.(2014). Ethics and Cyber Conflict: A Response to JME 12:1 (2013) Journal of Military Ethics: Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 20-31. doi: 10.1080/15027570.2014.908012
16The Event Universe. The Revisionary Metaphysics of Alfred North Whitehead by Leemon B. McHenryReview of Metaphysics 73 (4): 849-850. 2020.
30'Methodological Anarchy': Arguing about War - and Getting It Right. Brian Orend, The Morality of WarJournal of Military Ethics 6 (3): 246-252. 2007.No abstract
10Ethics: questions & morality of human actions (edited book)Grey House Publishing. 2019.The third edition covers topics of recent interest in the twenty-first century, such as Heroic Medicine, Gender Identity, Wealth Inequality, LGBTQ Issues, and more. This encyclopedic work includes more than 1,000 essays organized by broad categories related to ethical issues.
17The Harvard Lectures of Alfred North Whitehead, 1925-1927: General Metaphysical Problems of ScienceEdinburgh University Press. 2021.
13This book examines the importance of 'military ethics' in the formulation and conduct of contemporary military strategy. Clausewitz's original analysis of war relegated ethics to the side-lines in favour of political realism, interpreting the proper use of military power solely to further the political goals of the state, whatever those may be. This book demonstrates how such single-minded focus no longer suffices to secure the interest of states, for whom the nature of warfare has evolved to fa…Read more
1316. Uncovering a ‘New’ WhiteheadIn Brian G. Henning & Joseph Petek (eds.), Whitehead at Harvard, 1924–1925, Edinburgh University Press. pp. 323-336. 2019.
23Hegel and Whitehead: Contemporary Perspectives on Systematic Philosophy (edited book)State University of New York Press. 1986.This volume begins with important critical, comparative, and historical assessments of the contemporary problems in metaphysics, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, ethics, social thought, and philosophy of religion, of history, and ...
34The Moral Status of Combatants: A New Theory of Just WarJournal of Military Ethics 20 (3-4): 296-298. 2022.This book-cover's announcement of a “new theory” of just war is likely just publisher's editorial hyperbole. The author, however, does not in the end require such outside assistance. From the outse...
25Military Ethics: What Everyone Needs to KnowOxford University Press USA. 2016.What significance does "ethics" have for the men and women serving in the military forces of nations around the world? What core values and moral principles collectively guide the members of this "military profession?" This book explains these essential moral foundations, along with "just war theory," international relations, and international law. The ethical foundations that define the "Profession of Arms" have developed over millennia from the shared moral values, unique role responsibilities…Read more
18Routledge Handbook of Military Ethics (edited book)Routledge. 2015.The Routledge Handbook of Military Ethics is a comprehensive reference work that addresses concerns held in common by the military services of many nations. It attempts to discern both moral dilemmas and clusters of moral principles held in common by all practitioners of this profession, regardless of nation or culture. Comprising essays by contributors drawn from the four service branches as well as civilian academics specializing in this field, this handbook discusses the relationship of ethic…Read more
13IntroductionProcess Studies 48 (2): 153-158. 2019.In this short article, the conditions surrounding the recent discovery of Whitehead's first lecture at Harvard University are detailed. This article is meant as an introduction to Whitehead's lecture, which is published for the first time in the present issue of Process Studies. The previous two installments of the series titled "On the Trail ofWhitehead" can be found in Process Studies issues 45.1 and 46.1.
47Ethics and the ‘Human Terrain’International Journal of Applied Philosophy 24 (1): 23-30. 2010.Against the backdrop of the current “ethics controversy” within the American Anthropological Association over the U.S. Army’s “Human Terrain Systems” project, this article evaluates the moral obligations of scholars and academics asked by their governments to contribute their unique expertise toward the waging or ending of wars of which those scholars morally disapprove. Citing the examples of moral dilemmas occasioned by conflicts between duties of scholarship and duties of citizenship from pas…Read more
48Postmodern WarJournal of Military Ethics 9 (4): 289-298. 2010.This article, an introduction to a special issue of the Journal of Military Ethics devoted to emerging military technologies, elaborates the present status of certain predictions about the future of warfare and combat made by postmodern essayist, Umberto Eco, during the First Gulf War in 1991. The development of military robotics, innovations in nanotechnology, prospects for the biological, psychological, and neurological ?enhancement? of combatants themselves, combined with the increasing use o…Read more
59Pirates and PMCsInternational Journal of Applied Philosophy 23 (1): 87-94. 2009.Originally presented at a forum sponsored by Concerned Philosophers for Peace at the Eastern Division annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association (Philadelphia, PA: 29 December 2008), this essay discusses two ethical challenges in foreign policy likely to be confronted by the new U.S. presidential administration. The increased reliance on private military contractors, including security contractors, poses a number of difficulties, the most troubling of which is the erosion of civil-…Read more