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    Analyticity, Meaning and Paradox
    Dissertation, Princeton University. 2004.
    Some philosophers have claimed that sentences like all bachelors are unmarried are analytic, where this is to say that they are true in virtue of meaning, and that anyone who understands one can know that it is true. Some have claimed in addition that the notion of analyticity can be used to solve problems in epistemology. However, in the last century the work of Quine and Putnam led many to doubt such claims, and to suspect that there is no analyticity, only an illusion of analyticity to be exp…Read more
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    EPHEMERAPHILIA: a queer history
    Angelaki 23 (1): 174-186. 2018.
    This article has as its focus a queer object – an otherwise unremarkable ticket for an eighteenth-century assembly or ball in a collection of tickets made by Sir Augustus Wollaston Franks, an influential figure in the development of the British Museum in the Victorian period. I argue that the ticket is a tribute to a larger collection, also in the British Museum, made by Sarah Sophia Banks, in order to make claims for the attention to printed ephemera as a queer science that was foundational in …Read more
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    () e fall caused the vase to break. () e fall was the cause of the vase’s breaking. () e fall was a cause of the vase’s breaking. () e fall was causally relevant to the vase’s breaking.