Hasan Özcan

Aksaray University
  •  496
    On the practice of integrated STEM education as “poiesis”
    with Sarıtaş Davut and Adúriz-Bravo Agustín
    Stem Education Review 1 1-15. 2023.
    The value of science partly lies on the development of useful products for humanity’s needs, but basic sciences cannot be said the “protagonists” of their obtention. Human history shows that these processes occur as a result of interactions between science and technology, mathematics, and engineering, as well as ethics and aesthetics. This network of disciplinary relationships facilitating the impact of scientific knowledge on human lives is at the center of discussions in the field of Science, …Read more
  •  26
    The aim of this article is to propose a didactical approach to establish appropriate relations between different kinds of chemical knowledge and explanations at the macro and the submicro level. Incorrectly moving between these two levels is regarded as the cause of many misconceptions in school chemistry, and several theoretical frameworks have been proposed to remedy those misconceptions. Our literature review of chemistry education shows that a focus of attention for the macro-submicro interp…Read more