1Intellectual character education : some lessons from vice epistemologyIn Randall R. Curren (ed.), Handbook of philosophy of education, Routledge. 2022.
6Humility in Practices of Transitional JusticeInternational Journal of Philosophical Studies 1-28. forthcoming.Building on the limitations-owning view of intellectual humility, this essay argues that performing acts of humility in carrying out practices of transitional justice requires the owning of grave wrongs and limitations. It contends that acknowledgements and apologies can pay lip service to grave wrongs and limitations without owning them, and without performing acts of humility. The opening section explains the limitations-owning analysis of humility. Section 2 argues that one can perform illocu…Read more
336Intellectual Humility without Open-mindedness: How to Respond to Extremist ViewsEpisteme. forthcoming.How should we respond to extremist views that we know are false? This paper proposes that we should be intellectually humble, but not open-minded. We should own our intellectual limitations, but be unwilling to revise our beliefs in the falsity of the extremist views. The opening section makes a case for distinguishing the concept of intellectual humility from the concept of open-mindedness, arguing that open-mindedness requires both a willingness to revise extant beliefs and other-oriented enga…Read more
Intellectual virtuesIn S. van Hooft, N. Athanassoulis, J. Kawall, J. Oakley & L. van Zyl (eds.), The handbook of virtue ethics, Acumen Publishing. 2014.
1Intellectual character education : some lessons from vice epistemologyIn Randall R. Curren (ed.), Handbook of philosophy of education, Routledge. 2022.
39Perspectives on the Philosophy of William P. Alston (edited book)Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2005.One of the most influential analytic philosophers of the late twentieth century, William P. Alston is a leading light in epistemology, philosophy of religion, and the philosophy of language. In this volume, twelve leading philosophers critically discuss the central topics of his work in these areas, including perception, epistemic circularity, justification, the problem of religious diversity, and truth.
1Closed-mindedness and arroganceIn Alessandra Tanesini & Michael P. Lynch (eds.), Polarisation, Arrogance, and Dogmatism: Philosophical Perspectives, Routledge. 2020.
15Detecting Epistemic Vice in Higher Education Policy: Epistemic Insensibility in the Seven Solutions and the REFIn Ben Kotzee (ed.), Education and the Growth of Knowledge, Wiley. 2013-12-25.This article argues that the Seven Solutions in the US, and the Research Excellence Framework in the UK, manifest the vice of epistemic insensibility. Section I provides an overview of Aristotle's analysis of moral vice in people. Section II applies Aristotle's analysis to epistemic vice, developing an account of epistemic insensibility. In so doing, it contributes a new epistemic vice to the field of virtue epistemology. Section III argues that the (US) Seven Breakthrough Solutions and, to a le…Read more
56Enough Suffering: Thoughts on Suffering and VirtueJournal of Value Inquiry 55 (4): 593-610. 2021.
38Educating for intellectual pride and ameliorating servility in contexts of epistemic injusticeEducational Philosophy and Theory 55 (3): 301-314. 2023.Some of the students in our classrooms doubt their intellectual strengths—their knowledge, abilities, and skills. They may be unaware of the intellectual strengths they have, or may ignore, lack confidence in, or under-estimate them. They may even incorrectly judge themselves to be intellectually inferior to their peers. Students who do such things consistently are deficient in the virtue of intellectual pride—in appropriately ‘owning’ their intellectual strengths—and are on their way to develop…Read more
43Countering Servility through Pride and HumilityMidwest Studies in Philosophy 45 333-370. 2021.This article argues that an interlocutor’s deference and open-mindedness can indicate servility rather than virtuous humility. Section 1 evaluates an influential philosophical analysis of the virtue of humility and two psychological measures, all of which emphasize the contrast between humility and arrogance. Section 2 develops a philosophical analysis of servility, building on the limitations-owning view. It argues that servility is an unwillingness or inability to be attentive to and own one’s…Read more
36Epistemic Values: Collected Papers in Epistemology, by Linda Trinkaus ZagzebskiMind 132 (528): 1193-1201. 2022.Linda Zagzebski’s work in analytic epistemology is largely responsible for several sea changes in the field in the late twentieth century. Coming from one of th.
57Are Moral and Intellectual Virtues Distinct?Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68 23-27. 2018.One branch of virtue epistemology, Virtue-Responsibilism, has argued that the intellectual virtues are analogous in structure to Aristotelian moral virtues. Like Aristotelian moral virtues, intellectual virtues are acquired dispositions of motivation, emotion, action, and perception. Responsibilists argue that intellectual virtues, e.g., open-mindedness, intellectual courage, and intellectual autonomy, are praiseworthy character traits, over which we have some control and for which we are respon…Read more
98Can fanaticism be a liberatory virtue?Synthese 201 (6): 1-27. 2023.Quassim Cassam (Cassam, Extremism, Routledge, 2022a) and Paul Katsafanas (Katsafanas, Philosopher’s Imprint 19:1–20, 2019) have argued that fanaticism and extremism are morally and epistemically vicious. I suggest an alternative approach that: (i) explains what makes fanaticism and extremism vicious in the very many cases in which they are; but also (ii) allows for cases in which fanaticism and extremism aren’t vices and may even be liberatory-virtues. My hope is that this approach might serve a…Read more
8864Intellectual Humility: Owning Our LimitationsPhilosophy and Phenomenological Research 94 (3): 509-539. 2017.What is intellectual humility? In this essay, we aim to answer this question by assessing several contemporary accounts of intellectual humility, developing our own account, offering two reasons for our account, and meeting two objections and solving one puzzle
12Epistemic self-indulgenceIn Virtue and Vice, Moral and Epistemic, Wiley-blackwell. 2010.This chapter contains sections titled: Aristotle on Moral Temperance, Self‐Indulgence, and Insensibility Epistemic Temperance, Self‐Indulgence, and Insensibility Acknowledgments References.
17Introduction: virtue and viceIn Virtue and Vice, Moral and Epistemic, Wiley-blackwell. 2010.This chapter contains sections titled: The Structure of Virtue Ethics and Virtue Epistemology Virtue and Context Virtue and Emotion Virtues and Vices Acknowledgments References.
32Measuring and mismeasuring the selfInquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.This article evaluates Alessandra Tanesini’s analyses of the intellectual virtues and vices of self-assessment, as characterized in her book The Mismeasure of the Self (2021 Tanesini, A. 2021. The Mismeasure of the Self. Oxford: Oxford University Press.[Crossref], [Google Scholar]). Section 1 explains Tanesini’s rich accounts of the virtues of intellectual humility and pride. Contra Tanesini, section 2 suggests an alternative account according to which the intellectual virtues of humility and pr…Read more
36Access denied: epistemic obstruction and the distribution of knowledgeSynthese 201 (1): 1-20. 2022.
Intellectual virtue and knowledgeIn Markos Valaris & Stephen Hetherington (eds.), Knowledge in Contemporary Philosophy, Bloomsbury Publishing. 2018.
3Closed-mindedness as an intellectual viceIn Christoph Kelp & John Greco (eds.), Virtue Theoretic Epistemology: New Methods and Approaches, Cambridge University Press. 2020.
1Introduction: From Epistemic Vices to Vice EpistemologyIn Ian James Kidd, Quassim Cassam & Heather Battaly (eds.), Vice Epistemology, Routledge. pp. 1-17. 2020.We provide an overview of contemporary vice epistemology, the history of philosophical study of epistemic vices, and the chapters in the volume.
1257The Puzzle of Humility and DisparityIn Mark Alfano, Michael Patrick Lynch & Alessandra Tanesini (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Humility, Routledge. pp. 72-83. 2020.Suppose that you are engaging with someone who is your oppressor, or someone who espouses a heinous view like Nazism or a ridiculous view like flat-earthism. In contexts like these, there is a disparity between you and your interlocutor, a dramatic normative difference across which you are in the right and they are in the wrong. As theorists of humility, we find these contexts puzzling. Humility seems like the *last* thing oppressed people need and the *last* thing we need in dealing with tho…Read more
78Vice Epistemology (edited book)Routledge. 2020.Some of the most problematic human behaviors involve vices of the mind such as arrogance, closed-mindedness, dogmatism, gullibility, and intellectual cowardice, as well as wishful or conspiratorial thinking. What sorts of things are epistemic vices? How do we detect and mitigate them? How and why do these vices prevent us from acquiring knowledge, and what is their role in sustaining patterns of ignorance? What is their relation to implicit or unconscious bias? How do epistemic vices and systems…Read more
What Are the Virtues of Virtue Epistemology?Dissertation, Syracuse University. 2000.Unlike much of contemporary analytic epistemology, virtue epistemology focuses on the intellectual virtues and vices of an agent rather than her justified beliefs or knowledge. By and large, contemporary virtue epistemologists are interested in explaining justified belief and knowledge in terms of the intellectual virtues. In contrast, justification-and knowledge based theorists will explain the intellectual virtues in terms of justification or knowledge, if they address the virtues at all. ;I b…Read more
297Intellectual Humility in Interdisciplinary Projects: Analysis and MeasurementJournal of Psychology and Christianity 38 (3): 160-163. 2019.