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    © 2016 American Chemical Society.Hydrostatic pressure applied using diamond anvil cells has been widely explored to modulate physical properties of materials by tuning their lattice degree of freedom. Independently, electrical field is able to tune the electronic degree of freedom of functional materials via, for example, the field-effect transistor configuration. Combining these two orthogonal approaches would allow discovery of new physical properties and phases going beyond the known phase sp…Read more
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    YY1 regulates melanocyte development and function by cooperating with MITF
    with Song Jun, J. Li, J. S. Song, R. J. A. Bell, T. N. T. Tran, R. Haq, K. T. Love, R. Langer, D. G. Anderson, and L. Larue
    Studies of coat color mutants have greatly contributed to the discovery of genes that regulate melanocyte development and function. Here, we generated Yy1 conditional knockout mice in the melanocyte-lineage and observed profound melanocyte deficiency and p.
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    The sentence is a fundamental unit of language (Ferreira & Çokal, 2015). Comprehending a sentence lies in extracting its meaning, which is closely related to its syntactic structure. One sentence m...
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    Phänomenologie des Unsichtbaren
    Königshausen & Neumann. 2021.
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    This study aims to explore the relationship and mechanism between the preschool inclusive education teachers’ organizational support, teacher self-efficacy, and work engagement. This study adopted the organizational support scale, inclusive education efficacy scale, and work engagement scale, measured for 600 preschool inclusive education teachers, eventually obtained 568 effective questionnaires, established research model, and analyzed the data using the structural equation model. There are si…Read more
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    Emotional stability is of great importance for undergraduates and has significant predictive power for mental health. Emotions are associated with individuals’ daily lives and routines. Undergraduates commonly post their opinions and feelings on social networks, providing a huge amount of data for studying their emotional states and rhythms. Based on the construction of the emotion dictionary of undergraduates’ Tencent tweets —a social network for users to share their life situations and express…Read more
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    A selective sampling approach to active feature selection
    with Hiroshi Motoda and Lei Yu
    Artificial Intelligence 159 (1-2): 49-74. 2004.
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    Consistency-based search in feature selection
    with Manoranjan Dash
    Artificial Intelligence 151 (1-2): 155-176. 2003.