Ian Duckles

San Diego Mesa College
  • The main thesis of my dissertation is that Kierkegaard's category of "the ethical" is an analogue for Kantian morality. Consequently, Kierkegaard's criticisms of the ethical can profitably be read as criticisms of Kant. Kierkegaard's objection to Kant is two-fold. First, he argues that Kant's account suffers from a 'foundational gap' in that morality is unable to find what it will count as a rational foundation for its norms. This foundational gap is a product of Kant's 'strong responsibility re…Read more
  •  28
    A (Partial) Defense of MacIntyre’s Reading of Kierkegaard
    Idealistic Studies 36 (2): 141-151. 2006.
    Among Kierkegaard scholars, there is a great deal of concern regarding how to deal with Alasdair MacIntyre’s treatment of Kierkegaard in his seminal work After Virtue. In this essay, I attempt to defend MacIntyre’s claim that the choice articulated in Kierkegaard’s Either/Or is irrational through a close reading of an essay from a later work by Kierkegaard, Stages on Life’s Way. In so doing, I argue that though MacIntyre’s interpretation of the position articulated in Either/Or is essentially co…Read more