•  77
    The operative mind: A functional, computational and modeling approach to machine consciousness
    with Carlos Hernández and Ricardo Sanz
    International Journal of Machine Consciousness 1 (1): 83-98. 2009.
    The functional capabilities that consciousness seems to provide to biological systems can supply valuable principles in the design of more autonomous and robust technical systems. These functional concepts keep a notable similarity to those underlying the notion of operating system in software engineering, which allows us to specialize the computer metaphor for the mind into that of the operating system metaphor for consciousness. In this article, departing from these ideas and a model-based the…Read more
  •  41
    Self-awareness in real-time cognitive control architectures
    with Ricardo Sanz and Carlos Hernández
    In Anthony Chella & Ricardo Manzotti (eds.), AI and Consciousness: Theoretical Foundations and Current Approaches, Aaai Press, Merlo Park, Ca. 2007.