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    PhrasIS: Phrase Inference and Similarity benchmark
    with J. Gaviria, P. García, H. Sanjurjo-González, B. Sanz, A. Zarranz, M. Maritxalar, and E. Agirre
    Logic Journal of the IGPL. forthcoming.
    We present PhrasIS, a benchmark dataset composed of natural occurring Phrase pairs with Inference and Similarity annotations for the evaluation of semantic representations. The described dataset fills the gap between word and sentence-level datasets, allowing to evaluate compositional models at a finer granularity than sentences. Contrary to other datasets, the phrase pairs are extracted from naturally occurring text in image captions and news headlines. All the text fragments have been annotate…Read more
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    Application of change-point problem to the detection of plant patches
    with M. Gámez, J. Garay, T. Standovár, and Z. Varga
    Acta Biotheoretica 58 (1): 51-63. 2009.
    In ecology, if the considered area or space is large, the spatial distribution of individuals of a given plant species is never homogeneous; plants form different patches. The homogeneity change in space or in time (in particular, the related change-point problem) is an important research subject in mathematical statistics. In the paper, for a given data system along a straight line, two areas are considered, where the data of each area come from different discrete distributions, with unknown pa…Read more