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    Focused on the life and work of Francis Huxley, this book offers an exploration of the search to understand the human condition, one which is simultaneously biographical, philosophical, cultural, historical, political and epistemological. A member of the illustrious Huxley dynasty, Francis Huxley forged an unusual and innovative career, making key contributions to social anthropology, mental health care and the protection of indigenous peoples. His story reveals how the production and disseminat…Read more
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    The New Politics of Experience and R. D. Laing's Old “New Ideas”
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (1): 9-16. 2019.
    The psychotherapeutic legacy of R. D. Laing and his new take on Scottish psychodynamic psychiatry, in whose heritage he practised – “the patients are like you and me” – are explored. His testimony of experience as a psychoanalyst and theoretician, within the field of so-called “anti-psychiatry”, “radical psychiatry” and “avanti-psychiatry”, with the anger and outrage expressed towards the impersonal nature of modern psychiatry, the malign influence of the pharmaceutical industry, the alienating …Read more
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    Laing in Austria
    Janus Head 4 (1): 69-89. 2001.