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    Methods and approaches to theories of philosophical intuitions
    Dissertation, University of Edinburgh. 2012.
    This thesis is about the arguments and the methods that can sustain the epistemic support that comes from intuitions regarding hypothetical cases vis-à-vis theories of intuition. In the past twenty years, philosophical intuitions have received new attention, spurred by fashionable experimental philosophy that empirically tests philosophers’ intuition-engendering hypothetical cases with experimental methods. The results purportedly show that intuitions are unreliable, subject to demographic varia…Read more
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    Employee Wellbeing: Evaluating a Wellbeing Intervention in Two Settings
    with Alexis Keeman, Katharina Näswall, and Sanna Malinen
    Frontiers in Psychology 8. 2017.
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    Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior in Academic Cheating Research–Cross-Cultural Comparison
    with Agata Chudzicka-Czupała, Damian Grabowski, Abby L. Mello, Daniela Victoria Zaharia, Nadiya Hapon, Anna Lupina-Wegener, and Deniz Börü
    Ethics and Behavior 26 (8): 638-659. 2016.
    The study is an intercultural comparison of the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior (original and modified versions) to predict students’ intentions for academic cheating. The sample included university students from 7 countries: Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Turkey, Switzerland, United States, and New Zealand. Across countries, results show that attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and moral obligation predict students’ intentions to engage in academic dishonesty in the…Read more
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    The purpose of this study was to identify the relative contribution of individual and contextual predictors to students’ attitudes toward the acceptability of cheating and plagiarism. A group of 324 students from a tertiary institution in New Zealand completed an online survey. The findings indicate that gender, justice sensitivity, and understanding of university policies regarding academic dishonesty were the key predictors of the students’ attitudes toward the acceptability of cheating and pl…Read more
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    A Litmus Test for Exploitation: James Stacey Taylor's Stakes and Kidneys
    Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 34 (6): 552-572. 2009.
    James Stacy Taylor advances a thorough argument for the legalization of markets in current (live) human kidneys. The market is seemly the most abhorrent type of market, a market where the least well-off sell part of their body to the most well off. Though rigorously defended overall, his arguments concerning exploitation are thin. I examine a number of prominent bioethicists’ account of exploitation: most importantly, Ruth Sample’s exploitation as degradation. I do so in the context of Taylor’s …Read more
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    Characterizing Ethical Cases: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Individual Differences, Organisational Climate, and Leadership on Ethical Decision-Making (review)
    with J. R. Kuntz, Detelin Elenkov, and Anna Nabirukhina
    Journal of Business Ethics 113 (2): 317-331. 2013.
    The primary purpose of this study was to explore the unique impact of individual differences (e.g. gender, managerial experience), social culture, ethical leadership, and ethical climate on the manner in which individuals analyse and interpret an organisational scenario. Furthermore, we sought to explore whether the manner in which a scenario is initially interpreted by respondents (i.e. as a legal issue, ethical issue, and/or ethical dilemma) influenced subsequent recognition of the relevant st…Read more
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    Surveying Philosophers About Philosophical Intuition
    with J. R. C. Kuntz
    Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (4): 643-665. 2011.
    This paper addresses the definition and the operational use of intuitions in philosophical methods in the form of a research study encompassing several regions of the globe, involving 282 philosophers from a wide array of academic backgrounds and areas of specialisation. The authors tested whether philosophers agree on the conceptual definition and the operational use of intuitions, and investigated whether specific demographic variables and philosophical specialisation influence how philosopher…Read more