• Relacyjna funkcja Logosu według Filona z Aleksandrii
    Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 17-38. 2012.
  • The Relationa L Function Of Logos According To Philo Of Alexandria
    Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 7 (1): 17-38. 2012.
    Philo held the term logos as especially important for his philosophical system because of the multifold meanings of this term — its categories. For logos means not only “word,” but also “mind” and “thought.” In order to provide a concise answer to the question which role the concept of logos played in the system of Philo of Alexandria, we could say the following: The logos is the link between God, the most perfect being, and the fallen world. However, the function of the logos in Philo’s thought…Read more