10Social Democracy in the Making: Political & Religious Roots of European Socialism. By GaryDorrien. Pp. xiv, 578, New Haven/London, Yale University Press, 2019, $37.50/£25.00 (review)Heythrop Journal 62 (1): 169-170. 2021.
25Religion and Nationalism in Global Perspective . By J. Christopher Soper and Joel S. Fetzer. Pp. xvii, 267, Cambridge, U.K., Cambridge University Press, 2018, £21.99/$29.99 (review)Heythrop Journal 61 (2): 366-367. 2020.
11The Myth of Normative Secularism: Religion and Politics in the Democratic Homeworld. By Daniel D.Miller. Pp. viii, 346, Pittsburgh, PA, Duquesne University Press, 2016, $33.00.Public Faith in Action: How to Think Carefully, Engage Wisely, and Vote with Integrity. By MiroslavVolf and RyanMcAnnally‐Linz. Pp. xii, 240, Grand Rapids, MI, Brazos Press, 2016, $21.99 (review)Heythrop Journal 61 (1): 177-178. 2020.
18“I Believe in Bees”: Belief, ReconsideredImplicit Religion 25 (1-2): 1-14. 2023.Introduction to the special issue, "Belief, Reconsidered".
26The Feeling of Believing: The Importance of Affectivity in the Rehabilitation of BeliefImplicit Religion 25 (1-2): 77-101. 2023.The last half-century of religious studies scholarship has seen the diminishing importance of belief as a concept of analysis. The putative inaccessibility of beliefs and the concept’s Western Christian provenance has led many scholars of religion to reject the concept. Recent years have seen attempts to rehabilitate the concept of belief, including Kevin Schilbrack’s 2014 Philosophy and the Study of Religions. Schilbrack proposes that by engaging with contemporary philosophical reflection on be…Read more
39Embodied world construction: a phenomenology of ritualReligious Studies (FirstView): 1-20. 2023.This article presents a new approach to understanding ritual: embodied world construction. Informed by phenomenology and a philosophy of embodiment, this approach argues that rituals can (re)shape the structure of an individual's perceptual world. Ritual participation transforms how the world appears for an individual through the inculcation of new perceptual habits, enabling the perception of objects and properties which could not previously be apprehended. This theory is then applied to two ca…Read more
30The affective need to belong: belonging as an affective driver of human religionInternational Journal of Philosophy and Theology 82 (3): 280-301. 2021.ABSTRACT Philosophy of religion has recently made a turn to lived religion, an approach which seeks to understand lived religion as it is experienced concretely by individual practitioners. However, this turn to lived religion has seen limited engagement with the notion of belonging. Belonging here refers to the felt sense of being part of a group – of insidership – along with the development of positive social ties and mutual affective concern. It is my contention in this paper that reflection …Read more
28Maurice Merleau-Ponty and the Philosophy of ReligionReligious Studies 57 (4). 2021.This article proposes a new approach to employing Maurice Merleau-Ponty's philosophy in the philosophy of religion. Rather than finding a latent theology in Merleau-Ponty – as some interpreters do – this article argues that Merleau-Ponty's later ontology can provide the basis for a philosophical anthropology which can help us understand why human beings are drawn to religion and how this is expressed in affective and ritual practice. This ontology can help us to understand the notion of freedom …Read more
26Playing church: understanding ritual and religious experience resourced by Gadamer’s concept of playInternational Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (3): 323-336. 2018.ABSTRACTThis article uses Gadamer’s concept of play as a common lens through which both traditional church liturgy and imaginative evangelical practices of engaging with God can be understood. The category of play encompasses processes which exhibit a back-and-forth motion and functions in Gadamer’s aesthetics to describe the relationship between artwork and viewer. Through an aesthetics of play, Gadamer accounts for the presence of truth in art. As I demonstrate in this paper, liturgy displays …Read more