247Black “Reconstruction”; or the Afrocentric Home Repair Manual Philosophical Reflections on Paul C. Taylor’s “Black Reconstruction in Aesthetics”Debates in Aesthetics 15 (2): 63-77. 2020.Paul C. Taylor’s essay, Black Reconstruction in Aesthetics, is concerned with the relationship between language—in particular, what Taylor refers to as “terms”—and how we construct and live in the world. Following theorist Fred Moten, Taylor argues that “terms” are the “tools” through which we put ourselves and things into “play”. That is, “terms” help to shape how, when, and why we enter into social space with others. The “term” that Taylor is concerned with is “reconstruction”. In particular, …Read more
72Good kid, m.A.A.d city: Kendrick Lamar's Autoethnographic MethodJournal of Speculative Philosophy 32 (3): 488-498. 2018.ABSTRACT In characterizing his second studio album, good kid, m.A.A.d city, as a “short film” Kendrick Lamar offers something of a public declaration: We, the listening audience, are not hearing another hip-hop album, just another “autobiography” or slice of one person's life, but, rather, something else; we are hearing a mixture of social, cultural, and personal narrative truth in what will be termed “autoethnography.” In doing so, Lamar offers us a new way of thinking about hip-hop as a whole,…Read more
43The Cultural-logic Turn of Black PhilosophyRadical Philosophy Review 18 (1): 125-146. 2015.Much of Africana philosophy concerns itself with the social and political; that is, those issues that relate to “racism” or “racialization” as suffered by Africana persons. Within this understanding, Africana persons become defined by and studied through theories which presume a shared anthropology with their white counterparts. This essay argues that Africana philosophy would benefit in thinking beyond “race” and “racialization” towards a theorization of the cultural aspects of Africana persons…Read more
29Jazz as Critique: Adorno and Black Expression RevisitedJournal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. forthcoming.
27Ta-Nehisi Coates's Phenomenology of the BodyJournal of Speculative Philosophy 31 (3): 493-503. 2017.ABSTRACT The publication of Ta-Nehisi Coates's Between the World and Me has been met with mixed and widespread reviews and reactions. Responses have ranged from a critique of his “pessimism” to a grand celebratory remark announcing him as the next great intellectual and social critic in the mold of James Baldwin. Yet there are few reviews that have acknowledged Coates's project as a materialist cosmology of the body, meaning that while Coates embraces terrestriality over transcendence, he nevert…Read more
20Fumi Okiji, Jazz as Critique: Adorno and Black Expression Revisited (Stanford University Press) 2018, 160 pp., $70.00 cloth (review)Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (1): 127-129. 2021.
11Creolizing Sartre (edited book)Rowman & Littlefield. 2023.This book recasts Sartrean existentialism through Caribbean philosophies and the broader philosophies of the Global South. Each author's contribution embodies an aspect of creolizing thinking, understood as the articulation of cultural and conceptual hybridity under conditions of eurocentrism, epistemic colonialism, and the legacies of slavery.
89 Afro-American Writing: Motifs of PlaceIn Jacoby Adeshei Carter & Hernando Arturo Estévez (eds.), Philosophizing the Americas, Fordham University Press. pp. 193-232. 2024.
5Philosophical Meditations on Richard Wright (edited book)Lexington Books. 2012.This book is affords us the opportunity to rediscover Richard Wright and reexamine his work and its continuing significance in light of our contemporary situation. Moreover, the collection allows us to analyze Wright’s relationship and contribution to the discipline of philosophy, both challenging and enriching its traditional ideas and concepts
The dark delight of being strange: Black stories of freedomColumbia University Press. 2024.Unlike science fiction, which assumes a baseline of ordinary experience and sense of the nature of reality that are marked white, Black speculative literature's baseline is a parallel tradition responding to Black origins in slavery, racism, and colonialism; it imagines a future that critiques and is not bound up with science fiction's white origins in the onset of modernity. Its cosmologies and anthropologies are completely different. The Dark Delight of Being Strange is a work of but not about…Read more
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