Berkeley, CA, United States of America
Areas of Specialization
Value Theory
Areas of Interest
Value Theory
  • Reasons and recognition: Essays on the philosophy of T.\ M. Scanlo (edited book)
    with R. Kumar and S. Freeman
    Oxford University Press. 2011.
  • Normativity, Commitment, and Instrumental Reasoning
    Philosophers' Imprint 1 (4). 2001.
  • Dispassionate opprobrium: On blame and the reactive sentiments
    In Jay Wallace, Rahul Kumar & Samuel Freeman (eds.), , Oxford University Press. 2011.
  • Responsibility and the moral sentiments
    Harvard University Press. 1994.
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    Barbara Herman, The Practice of Moral Judgment Reviewed by
    Philosophy in Review 14 (4): 264-266. 1994.
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    Reason and Value collects fifteen brand-new papers by leading contemporary philosophers on themes from the moral philosophy of Joseph Raz. The subtlety and power of Raz's reflections on ethical topics - including especially his explorations of the connections between practical reason and the theory of value - make his writings a fertile source for anyone working in this area. The volume honours Raz's accomplishments in the area of ethical theorizing, and will contribute to an enhanced appreciati…Read more
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    Reasons and Recognition: Essays on the Philosophy of T.M. Scanlon (edited book)
    Oxford University Press USA. 2011.
    For close to forty years now T.M. Scanlon has been one of the most important contributors to moral and political philosophy in the Anglo-American world. Through both his writing and his teaching, he has played a central role in shaping the questions with which research in moral and political philosophy now grapples. Reasons and Recognition brings together fourteen new papers on an array of topics from the many areas to which Scanlon has made path-breaking contributions, each of which develops a …Read more
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    Reasons and Recognition brings together fourteen new papers on an array of topics from the many areas to which Scanlon has made path-breaking contributions, ...
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    Replies to Symposiasts on The View from Here
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92 (3): 792-805. 2016.
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    We just lived through a global pandemic, and we are entering a period in which the alarming impacts of anthropogenic climate change are becoming increasingly ha.
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    Review of Christine Swanton: Freedom: A Coherence Theory (review)
    Ethics 104 (3): 624-625. 1994.
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    Axel Honneth has done more than any other philosopher to develop and explore the significance of recognition to our social relations. On the broadly Hegelian ap.
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    Freedom and responsibility
    Philosophical Review 109 (4): 592-595. 2000.
    It is not a new thought that an adequate understanding of freedom and responsibility might require us to distinguish between the theoretical and practical points of view. This distinction is at the heart of the Kantian approach to moral philosophy. But while the Kantian strategy is deeply suggestive, it has proved difficult to work out the idea that freedom and responsibility are artifacts of the practical standpoint. Hilary Bok’s book Freedom and Responsibility provides a new interpretation and…Read more
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    A critical discussion of Kwong-loi Shun’s account of anger as a response to situations rather than agents. The paper draws on a relational interpretation of the moral domain to argue that it makes a normative difference to one’s moral emotions whether one was the immediate victim of wrongful conduct, or merely a third-party observer of such conduct. Those who have been wronged by immoral actions have warrant for a kind of angry resentment that does not carry over to third parties. The paper also…Read more
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    British Society for Ethical Theory 1998 Conference
    with Garrett Cullity, Alex Miller, Duncan McFarland, James Griffin, Iain Law, Ralph Wedgwood, Maggie Little, Nick Zangwill, and Elinor Mason
    The Journal of Ethics 2 (2): 189-189. 1998.
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    Mattering, value, and our obligations to the animals
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 105 (1): 236-241. 2022.
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    Humanity as an object of attachment
    Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (7): 686-698. 2021.
    ABSTRACT In Why Worry about Future Generations?, Samuel Scheffler argues that we typically love humanity, and that this attachment gives us reasons to care about future generations. The paper explores this idea with an eye to understanding better the sense in which humanity is an object of attachment. The paper argues that the humanity we love should be understood in an enriched rather than a reductively biological sense, as a species that has historically sustained a complex set of cultural and…Read more
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    Recognition and the moral nexus
    European Journal of Philosophy 29 (3): 634-645. 2021.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 634-645, September 2021.
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    Partial constraint satisfaction
    with Eugene C. Freuder
    Artificial Intelligence 58 (1-3): 21-70. 1992.
  • 2008. Practical reason
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. forthcoming.
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    The Rational Foundations of Ethics
    Philosophical Quarterly 39 (157): 509-512. 1989.
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    The Moral Nexus
    Princeton University Press. 2019.
    The Moral Nexus develops and defends a new interpretation of morality—namely, as a set of requirements that connect agents normatively to other persons in a nexus of moral relations. According to this relational interpretation, moral demands are directed to other individuals, who have claims that the agent comply with these demands. Interpersonal morality, so conceived, is the domain of what we owe to each other, insofar as we are each persons with equal moral standing. The book offers an interp…Read more
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    Margaret Gilbert: Rights and Demands: A Foundational Inquiry
    Journal of Philosophy 117 (1): 55-59. 2020.
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    Trust, anger, resentment, forgiveness: On blame and its reasons
    European Journal of Philosophy 27 (3): 537-551. 2019.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    The Ethics of Social Research: Surveys and Experiments
    with Gideon Sjoberg, Ted R. Vaughan, Tom L. Beauchamp, Ruth R. Faden, LeRoy Walters, Allan J. Kimmel, Martin Bulmer, and Joan E. Sieber
    Hastings Center Report 13 (2): 44. 1983.
    Book reviewed in this article: Ethical Issues in Social Research. Edited by Tom L. Beauchamp, Ruth R. Faden, R. Jay Wallace, Jr., and LeRoy Walters. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982. xii + 436 pp. $25.00 (hardcover); $8.95 (paper). Ethics of Human Subject Research. Edited by Allan J. Kimmel, Jr. San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass, 1981. 106 pp. $6.95 (paper). Social Research Ethics. Edited by Martin Bulmer. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1982. xiv + 284 pp. $39.50 (hardcover); $14.50 (pape…Read more