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    Screening for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders by nonmedical community workers
    with M. J. O'Connor, M. J. A. Rotheram-Borus, M. Tomlinson, Bill C., and I. M. LeRoux
    BACKGROUND: South Africa has the highest prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the world yet many women have no access to clinic care or to physicians in their communities. The shortage of physicians trained in the diagnosis of FASD is even more severe. Thus there is a need to train community workers to assist in the delivery of health care.OBJECTIVES: This study reports on the effectiveness of training community workers to screen for a possible diagnosis of a FASD.METHODS: Community…Read more
  • Asmuth, J., B51
    with E. Balaban, E. Barenholtz, D. Bavelier, R. J. R. Blair, K. Breckenridge, N. Burgess, B. Butterworth, J. Call, and J. Collins
    Cognition 101 545-546. 2006.
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    The doubtful polis: the question of politics in Heidegger's being and time
    History of Political Thought 23 (4): 670-686. 2002.
    This article presents a close textual analysis of the concept of selfhood in Heidegger's central work, Being and Time. It is shown that Heidegger's model of the self is actually a conflation of two mutually exclusive models. The first is an individually grounded heroic quest for authenticity arising from a confrontation with finitude. The other is based in the passive acceptance of a historically grounded Volksgeist and its accompanying societal roles. It is found that the tension arising from t…Read more