30Crossroads in the Flesh: An Interview with Mariana OrtegaDiacritics 50 (2): 98-110. 2022.Abstract:Jessica Elkayam asks Mariana Ortega about the influence both Latina feminisms and Martin Heidegger have had on the development of Ortega's mestiza theory.
42Heidegger’s Nietzsche and The Origin of the Work of ArtJournal of Speculative Philosophy 36 (2): 290-300. 2022.ABSTRACT Recent efforts to engage with Heidegger’s Origin of the Work of Art have focused on its development in the context of Heidegger’s corpus at a key interval in his political ascendancy to, and subsequent decline from, the Rectorship. This article explores the ambiguous role Nietzsche plays in delimiting Heidegger’s engagement with art by tracking the relation between art and truth in two of the four lecture courses Heidegger offered on Nietzsche between 1936 and 1940. Having tracked the s…Read more
8...And the Whole Music Box Repeats Eternally Its Tune..Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 7 103-123. 2017.
8Gregory Fried and Richard Polt, eds. After Heidegger? (review)Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 9 215-225. 2019.
576...And the Whole Music Box Repeats Eternally Its TuneGatherings 7 103-123. 2017.In the following paper, pursuing a lead from Heidegger’s 1937 reading of Nietzsche’s Also Sprach Zarathustra (ASZ), I first claim that the Nietzschean emphasis on awakening the thought and the thinker of eternal return should be read as analogous to Heidegger’s own call to awaken a fundamental attunement in the 1929/30 lecture course, Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik (GDM). I bolster this claim by insisting on a Nietzschean inspiration in the very call to awaken a fundamental attunement, which …Read more
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