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    Why does Aristotle commit to the existence of simple bodies? Why does Aristotle conduct an investigation into simple bodies as part of his his natural philosophy? These are the two questions I want to focus on in this dissertation. The answer to these questions, in my view, can be found in Aristotle's investigations into simple bodies in De Caelo and De Generatione et Corruptione. On the basis of my interpretation of these two treatises, I argue in this dissertation that Aristotle's investigatio…Read more
  • Elements, Homoeomers, and the Constitution of Natural Substances
    Studia Neoaristotelica 21 (1): 3-26. 2024.
    This paper argues that the four elements exist in different ways in mixtures and homogenous parts of substances. According to Aristotle’s definition in De caelo, the elements exist in virtue of themselves in the compound bodies which they compose. However, if we assume that they exist in the same way in hylomorphic compounds as they exist in the compound bodies which they directly compose, a discrepancy arises between Aristotle’s definition of element and his hylomorphic theory, because the elem…Read more