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    Individuals are Inadequate: Recognizing the Family-Centeredness of Chinese Bioethics and Chinese Health System
    with J. Li
    Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 37 (6): 568-582. 2012.
    This paper is aimed at a critical assessment of the moral framework of the current Chinese health system from a Confucian perspective, by focusing on the debate between the individual directed approach and the family-oriented approach to a health care system. Concerned with the nature and status of the family in communal life, the paper deals with the following questions: to cope with the frailties of material life (including susceptibility to disease), what good is presupposed by human existenc…Read more
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    Judd–Ofelt analysis and upconversion emission of Er3+–Yb3+co-doped oxyfluoride glass ceramics containing LaF3nanocrystals (review)
    with X. Qiao, X. Fan, and M. Wang
    Philosophical Magazine 85 (32): 3755-3766. 2005.
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    Follicle dynamics and global organization in the intact mouse ovary
    with M. Faire, A. Skillern, R. Arora, D. H. Nguyen, C. Chamberlain, M. S. German, J. C. Fung, and D. J. Laird
    Quantitative analysis of tissues and organs can reveal large-scale patterning as well as the impact of perturbations and aging on biological architecture. Here we develop tools for imaging of single cells in intact organs and computational approaches to assess spatial relationships in 3D. In the mouse ovary, we use nuclear volume of the oocyte to read out quiescence or growth of oocyte-somatic cell units known as follicles. This in-ovary quantification of non-growing follicle dynamics from neona…Read more
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    Androgen receptor and chemokine receptors 4 and 7 form a signaling axis to regulate CXCL12-dependent cellular motility
    with J. J. Hsiao, B. H. Ng, M. M. Smits, R. J. Jasavala, H. D. Martinez, J. Lee, J. J. Alston, H. Misonou, J. S. Trimmer, and M. E. Wright
    © Hsiao et al.; licensee BioMed Central.Background: Identifying cellular signaling pathways that become corrupted in the presence of androgens that increase the metastatic potential of organ-confined tumor cells is critical to devising strategies capable of attenuating the metastatic progression of hormone-naïve, organ-confined tumors. In localized prostate cancers, gene fusions that place ETS-family transcription factors under the control of androgens drive gene expression programs that increas…Read more
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    A Macrocyclic Chelator That Selectively Binds Ln 4+ over Ln 3+ by a Factor of 10 29
    with T. A. Pham, A. B. Altman, S. C. E. Stieber, C. H. Booth, S. A. Kozimor, W. W. Lukens, Olive D. T., T. Tyliszczak, S. G. Minasian, and Raymond K. N.
    © 2016 American Chemical Society.A tetravalent cerium macrocyclic complex was prepared with an octadentate terephthalamide ligand comprised of hard catecholate donors and characterized in the solution state by spectrophotometric titrations and electrochemistry and in the crystal by X-ray diffraction. The solution-state studies showed that L exhibits a remarkably high affinity toward Ce4+, with log β110 = 61 and ΔG = -348 kJ/mol, compared with log β110 = 32.02 for the analogous Pr3+ complex. In a…Read more
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    Turning erythrocytes into functional micromotors
    with Z. Wu, T. Li, J. Li, W. Gao, T. Xu, C. Christianson, M. Galarnyk, Q. He, and L. Zhang
    © 2014 American Chemical Society.Attempts to apply artificial nano/micromotors for diverse biomedical applications have inspired a variety of strategies for designing motors with diverse propulsion mechanisms and functions. However, existing artificial motors are made exclusively of synthetic materials, which are subject to serious immune attack and clearance upon entering the bloodstream. Herein we report an elegant approach that turns natural red blood cells into functional micromotors with th…Read more
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    © 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry.The electronic structure in the complete series of stable lanthanide sesquioxides, Ln2O3, has been evaluated using oxygen K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy with a scanning transmission X-ray microscope. The experimental results agree with recent synthetic, spectroscopic and theoretical investigations that provided evidence for 5d orbital involvement in lanthanide bonding, while confirming the traditional viewpoint that there is little Ln 4f and O 2p orbit…Read more
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    The human cationic antimicrobial protein LL-37 is a multifunctional host defense peptide with a wide range of immunomodulatory activities. Previous work has shown that LL-37 exerts both pro- and anti-inflammatory effects. The role of mitochondria in the skin inflammatory effects of LL-37 has not been well studied. Therefore, our aim was to investigate the immunomodulatory effect of LL-37 in HaCaT cells and to delineate the underlying mechanisms related to mitochondrial function. Immunohistochemi…Read more
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    Small Practices' Experience With EHR, Quality Measurement, and Incentives
    with R. Begum, M. S. Ryan, C. H. Winther, N. S. Bardach, A. H. Parsons, S. C. Shih, and R. A. Dudley
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    Wearable salivary uric acid mouthguard biosensor with integrated wireless electronics
    with J. Kim, S. Imani, W. R. de Araujo, J. Warchall, G. Valdés-Ramírez, Trlc Paixão, and P. P. Mercier
    © 2015 Elsevier B.V.This article demonstrates an instrumented mouthguard capable of non-invasively monitoring salivary uric acid levels. The enzyme -modified screen printed electrode system has been integrated onto a mouthguard platform along with anatomically-miniaturized instrumentation electronics featuring a potentiostat, microcontroller, and a Bluetooth Low Energy transceiver. Unlike RFID-based biosensing systems, which require large proximal power sources, the developed platform enables re…Read more
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    RNAa is a mechanism by which small dsRNA, termed saRNA, target promoter sequences to induce gene expression. This technique represents a novel approach to gene overexpression without the use of.
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    Effect of pay-for-performance incentives on quality of care in small practices with electronic health records: A randomized trial
    with N. S. Bardach, Leon S. F. De, S. C. Shih, W. J. Boscardin, and R. A. le GoldmanDudley
    IMPORTANCE: Most evaluations of pay-for-performance incentives have focused on large-group practices. Thus, the effect of P4P in small practices, where many US residents receive care, is largely unknown. Furthermore, whether electronic health records with chronic disease management capabilities support small-practice response to P4P has not been studied. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of P4P incentives on quality in EHR-enabled small practices in the context of an established quality improvemen…Read more
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    Degree of structural perfection of icosahedral quasicrystalline grains investigated by synchrotron X-ray diffractometry and imaging techniques
    with J. Gastaldi, S. Agliozzo, A. Létoublon, and L. Mancini
    Philosophical Magazine 83 (1): 1-29. 2003.
    A study of the structural perfection of icosahedral quasicrystalline grains of various alloys and Al-Cu-Fe), grown by different slow solidification techniques was performed using high-resolution diffraction, including recording rocking curves combined with X-ray topography and phase contrast radiography, at a third-generation synchrotron radiation source . For Al-Pd-Mn, additional coherent diffraction and diffuse scattering measurements were also carried out. After evaluating the potentialities …Read more
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    Effects of porosity on the measured fracture energy of brittle materials
    with L. J. Vandeperre and W. J. Clegg †
    Philosophical Magazine 84 (34): 3689-3704. 2004.