148Category Mistakes and Logical Grammar: Ryle's Husserlian TutelageSymposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 16 (2): 235-250. 2012.Gilbert Ryle never pursued research under Edmund Husserl. However, Ryle was indeed Husserl’s student in a broader sense, as much of his own work was deeply influenced by his studies of Husserl’s pre-World War I writings. While Ryle is the thinker whose name typically comes to mind in connection with the concern over category mistakes I argue that (1) Husserl deserves to be known for precisely this concern as well, and (2) the similarity between them is no accident. Developing this reading of Ryl…Read more
27Treason and utopia: Exploring some connections in early modern europeUtopian Studies 3 128-135. 1991.
22Review: An International Congress in Italy on Utopia and Modernity (review)Utopian Studies 4 (2). 1993.
23Precedents in Aristotle and Brentano for Husserl’s Concern with MetabasisReview of Metaphysics 61 (4): 737-757. 2008.
9Philosophical Aspects of Communication: A Study in Social PhilosophyCatholic University of America Press. 1953.Catholic University Of America, Philosophical Studies, No. 145, Abstract No. 2.
71Understanding Phenomonology—David R. Cerbone (review)International Philosophical Quarterly 47 (4): 486-488. 2007."Understanding Phenomenology" provides a guide to one of the most important schools of thought in modern philosophy. The book traces phenomenology's historical development, beginning with its founder, Edmund Husserl and his "pure" or "transcendental" phenomenology, and continuing with the later, "existential" phenomenology of Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. The book also assesses later, critical responses to phenomenology - from Derrida to Dennett - as well as the …Read more
39Philanthropy and SelfishnessSocial Philosophy and Policy 4 (2): 113. 1987.The question I want to discuss is “How can I say ‘No’ to a fund-raising appeal?” Since many people apparently find it easy to say “No,” it is not clear what the problem is. Put briefly, the problem is this: I do not want to think of myself as uncaring, unfeeling, and insensitive to the needs of others. And yet, within the last year I have not responded to appeals for funds from a wide variety of causes: medical research, famine relief, freedom of speech, environmental protection. I have turned d…Read more
44Indeterminate situation and problem in Dewey's logical theoryJournal of Philosophy 50 (25): 753-770. 1953.
Modern Materialism: Readings on Mind--Body IdentityRevista Portuguesa de Filosofia 44 (4): 630-630. 1988.
65Paul Claudel on the Problem of Evil and the Sufferings of AnimalsThe Chesterton Review 32 (1/2): 190-191. 2006.
University of EdinburghPost-doctoral fellow
San Marcos, Texas, United States of America
Areas of Interest
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