3836Symposium. The Apology RitualTeorema: International Journal of Philosophy 31 (2). 2012.Symposium on Christopher Bennet's The Apology Ritual. A Philosophical Theory of Punishment [Cambridge University Press, 2008].
49Chilean Adaptation and Validation of the Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire-Revised VersionFrontiers in Psychology 8. 2017.
47Residual stresses in ceramic-to-metal joints: diffraction measurements and finite element method analysisPhilosophical Magazine 87 (35): 5551-5563. 2007.
45Principios ecológicos en la gestión de los agrosistemasArbor 184 (729): 19-29. 2008.La agroecología tiene como objetivo el conocimiento de los elementos y procesos claves en el funcionamiento de los agrosistemas, para su eficaz gestión en armonía con el ambiente. La protección vegetal ha sido enfocada tradicionalmente, bajo el concepto de lucha y control, utilizando arsenales químicos o biológicos y, en estos momentos, biotecnológicos. La aplicación de criterios ecológicos en protección vegetal ha permitido desarrollar procesos como la biofumigación, fundamentada en la utilizac…Read more
40Discourse-voice regulatory strategies in the psychotherapeutic interaction: a state-space dynamics analysisFrontiers in Psychology 6. 2015.
30Similarity to the self influences memory for social targetsCognition and Emotion 37 (4): 595-616. 2023.The construct of the self is important in the domain of memory research. Recent work has shown that person memory is influenced by similarity of social targets to the self. The current experiments investigate self-similarity as defined by traits and political ideology to better understand how memory for social targets is organised. Across three experiments, participants formed positive or negative impressions based on each target’s picture, a trait-implying behavior (Experiments 1 & 2), and/or p…Read more
16Adapting to Adversity: Effects of COVID-19 on Parenting in ChileFrontiers in Psychology 13. 2022.The pandemic outbreak in March 2020 and its associated sanitary regulations and restrictions triggered an abrupt and significant change for society in general and for families’ organization in particular. In Chile, the Santiago Metropolitan District was under a strict lockdown that involved the closure of the entire educational system. From a systemic-family stress perspective, the impact of these changes might have consequences not only for each individual family member, but for the parental dy…Read more
16Stabilization and Synchronization of Uncertain Zhang System by Means of Robust Adaptive ControlComplexity 2018 1-19. 2018.Standard adaptive control is the preferred approach for stabilization and synchronization of chaotic systems when the structure of such systems is a priori known but the parameters are unknown. However, in the presence of unmodeled dynamics and/or disturbance, this approach is not effective anymore due to the drift of the parameter estimations, which eventually causes the instability of the closed-loop system. In this paper, a robustifying term, which consists of a saturation function, is used t…Read more
10José Sols Lucia (2008), Atrapados en la violencia:¿ hay salida? Imdosoc, ciudad de Mexico//111 pp. José Sols Lucia (2009), Atrapats en la violència: Camins de sortida. Claret, Barcelona//102 pp (review)Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1): 207. 2010.
6The Protectionist (Interventionist) Economic Model and the Liberal Economic Model in Peru: 1961-2021Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 484-499. forthcoming.The objective of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis of the two models of growth and development that were applied in Peru over the past six decades (1961-2021). The objective is to conduct a comparative analysis of the Import Substitution Model (ISM) and the Liberal Model (LM), to determine which of these models has demonstrated superior performance in terms of economic growth and social welfare for the country. In this instance, the documentary and systematic review of the mater…Read more
2Chromosomal abnormalities and tumor development: from genes to therapeutic mechanismsBioessays 20 (11): 922-930. 1998.
1Problemas en torno a la" Crítica de la razón pura" de Kant. Crónica de un curso extraordinario. Salamanca, 13-15 de julio de 1987 (review)Diálogo Filosófico 10 98-101. 1988.
A Paixão da Razão. Homenagem a Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira (edited book)Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa. 2014.
Functional decomposition in large diagnosis problems'Communication and Cognition-Artificial Intelligence 9 (2-3): 237-251. 1992.
Areas of Interest
Social and Political Philosophy |
Philosophy of Social Science |