10Alfredo P. Co. Across the ancient philosophical world: Essays in comparative philosophy (review)Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 18 (2): 253-257. 2017.
8A Critique of Dreyfus’s Kierkegaardian Analysis of the InternetPhilosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 19 (1): 76-94. 2018.In this paper, I will argue that embodied presence and ultimate commitments are not necessary for the authenticity of online relationships. In the first section, I will present Hubert Dreyfus’s Kierkegaardian analysis of the Internet. In the second, I will show the different positions that disagree with Dreyfus. And finally, in the third, I will look into the distinction between human to human and human to nonhuman online interactions, the continuity or discontinuity of the online and the offlin…Read more
42Sartre Misconstrued: a Reply to Michael Lopato’s “social Media, Love, and Sartre’s Look of the Other”Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 20 (1): 60-79. 2019.In this paper, I endeavor to provide a critical examination of a recent pioneering work that engages Jean-Paul Sartre’s insights in analyzing social media interactions – Michael Lopato’s “Social media, love, and Sartre’s look of the other: Why online communication is not fulfilling?”. I shall show that in so far as Sartrean insights are concerned in Being and Nothingness, Lopato misconstrued what Sartre really meant with the Look of the Other and love, and is mistaken in appropriating such insig…Read more
1239Resolving the Gettier Problem in the Smith Case: The Donnellan Linguistic ApproachKritike 12 (2): 108-125. 2018.In this paper, we contend that the “Smith case” in Gettier’s attempt to refute the justified true belief (JTB) account of knowledge does not work. This is because the said case fails to satisfy the truth condition, and thus is not a case of JTB at all. We demonstrate this claim using the framework of Donnellan’s distinction between the referential and attributive uses of definite descriptions. Accordingly, the truth value of Smith’s proposition “The man who will get the job has ten coins in his …Read more
12Towards a Confucian Ethics of Humane Online RelationsIn Soraj Hongladarom & Jeremiah Joven Joaquin (eds.), Love and Friendship Across Cultures: Perspectives From East and West, Springer Singapore. pp. 67-80. 2021.Internet technology brings exciting benefits as well as alarming dangers to our everyday life. The way Internet technology affects our relationship with our own self and with our fellow human beings is a pressing concern. Hence, there is a need for an ethical reflection and analysis on problems confronting the online community and the relationships established and maintained therein. Considering the alarming dangers, addressing ethical concerns becomes urgent. And since these dangers confront th…Read more
3Listening to a Different Voice: Gendering Dharma Through Sita of the RamayanaIn Soraj Hongladarom, Jeremiah Joven Joaquin & Frank J. Hoffman (eds.), Philosophies of Appropriated Religions: Perspectives from Southeast Asia, Springer Nature Singapore. pp. 377-389. 2023.Dharma is one of the foundational concepts of Hindu philosophy and religion. Some recent scholars argued that a more nuanced understanding of it could be based on the Itihasas: the Mahabharata and Ramayana. Such an understanding moves away from dharma’s traditional cosmic and formalistic analysis. However, a closer examination of these recent efforts shows that this kind of analysis is more philological rather than philosophical. It returns to a formalistic understanding of the concept, defeatin…Read more
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