Theories of the common law of tortsIn Edward Zalta (ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy, Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. 2015.
3Philosophy of law (edited book)Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 2014.This leading anthology contains essays and cases written by some of the most influential figures in legal philosophy, representing the major theoretical positions in the field. Its primary focus is to relate traditional themes of legal philosophy to the concerns of modern society in a way that invigorates the former and illuminates the latter. This classic text is distinguished by its clarity and accessibility, balance of topics, balance of positions on controversial questions, topical relevance…Read more
14Education and Political DevelopmentBritish Journal of Educational Studies 19 (3): 350-351. 1971.
23The History of Political Thought in a Modern University: The First Henry Tudor Memorial LectureHistory of Political Thought 21 (1): 152-172. 2000.It is not clear to me that there is any longer the institutional will to train students, as both Henry and I were trained, in the languages, histories and philosophies that enable one to approach the texts of classical, medieval and renaissance intellectual history in particular. Today a student who is drawn to a study of pre-modern ideas and historical settings will be asked why on earth such an irrelevant subject matter should attract any interest or indeed, funding. Even in Politics Departmen…Read more
Incorporationism, Conventionality and the Practical Difference ThesisIn Hart's Postscript: Essays on the Postscript to `the Concept of Law', Oxford University Press Uk. 2000.
Fault, Blame and Justice in the Distribution of Automobile Accident CostsDissertation, The Rockefeller University. 1972.
118 Facts, Fictions, and the Grounds of LawIn Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O'Rourke & David Shier (eds.), Law and social justice, Mit Press. pp. 3--327. 2005.
The economic analysis of LawIn J. Roland Pennock & John William Chapman (eds.), Ethics, economics, and the law, New York University Press. pp. 96--97. 1982.
12Risks and WrongsOxford University Press UK. 1992.This classic book by one of America's preeminent legal theorists is concerned with the conflict between the goals of justice and economic efficiency in the allocation of risk, especially risk pertaining to safety.
25Justice in Immigration (edited book)Cambridge University Press. 1995.When is it justifiable to exclude a person who wishes to enter a country? What are the acceptable moral bases for immigration policy? These questions lie at the heart of this book, the first interdisciplinary study of the fundamental normative issues underpinning immigration policy. A distinguished group of economists, political scientists, and philosophers offer a provocative discussion of this complex topic. Among the issues addressed are the proper role of the state in supporting a particular…Read more
42Readings in the Philosophy of Law (edited book)Garland. 1999.An extraordinary collection of the finest essays in the core areas of legal philosophy, Readings in Philosophy of Law is a perfect introduction to the breadth of issues covered in the philosophy of law. The essays are all classic papers chosen as much for their clarity of thought and comprehensiveness as for their distinctiveness and importance to the subject matters of legal philosophy. This collection is ideal for the professional as well as the student, as it brings together classic essays th…Read more
3Hart's Postscript: Essays on the Postscript to `the Concept of Law' (edited book)Oxford University Press UK. 2000.The Postscript to The Concept of Law contains Herbert Hart's only sustained and considered response to the objections pressed against his views by his distinguished critic, Ronald Dworkin. In this extraordinary collection, many of the leading legal philosophers in the world evaluate the success of Hart's responses to Dworkin on several of these counts. Notable contributors include Joseph Raz of Oxford University and Jules L. Coleman of the Yale Law School.
61Legal positivismIn Dennis M. Patterson (ed.), A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, Blackwell. 1996.This chapter contains sections titled: Jurisprudence: Method and Subject Matter Legality and Authority Positivism: Austin vs. Hart The Authority of Law Judicial Discretion Incorporationism and Legality Raz' s Theory of Authority Incorporationism and Authority Conclusion Postscript References.
Jules Coleman
Constructor University
Florida State University
Constructor UniversityOther
The Rockefeller University
Alumnus, 1972