38Popitz’s Imaginative Variation on Power as Model for Critical PhenomenologyHuman Studies 41 (3): 475-483. 2018.Heinrich Popitz’s Phenomena of Power aims to uncover power as “a universal component in the genesis and operation of human societies”. In order to uncover this “universal” concept of power, Popitz employs Husserl’s method of the “imaginative variation” [Phantasievariation]. Yet, contrary to phenomenology’s traditionally descriptive posture, Phenomena of Power’s project is at once descriptive and normative—seeking not only to describe power, but to also describe the way in which power can be rema…Read more
31The contemplative self after Michel Henry: a phenomenological theology, by Joseph Rivera (review)International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 77 (4-5): 339-342. 2016.
29Comments on Nick Huntington–Klein's review ‘Pearl before economists: The Book of Why and empirical economics’Journal of Economic Methodology 30 (1): 63-67. 2023.This note aims to assist applied econometricians in understanding the tools of causal inference and to extend those discussed in Nick Huntington-Klein's review of The Book of Why.
28À Denys: Tracing Jean-Luc Marion’s Dionysian HermeneuticsStudia Phaenomenologica 20 307-338. 2020.Since his 1977 The Idol and Distance, Jean-Luc Marion has almost continually drawn upon the work of the 5th-6th century Christian mystic Pseudo-Denys the Areopagite, not only within his explicitly theological considerations, but throughout his Cartesian and phenomenological work as well. The present essay maps out the influence of Denys upon Marion’s thinking, organizing Marion’s career into a three-part periodization, each of which corresponds to a distinct portion of the Dionysian corpus—in Ma…Read more
28After Finitude and the Question of Phenomenological GivennessPhaenEx 12 (2): 13-36. 2018.Quentin Meillassoux’s 2006 After Finitude offered a sharp critique of the phenomenological project, charging that phenomenology was one of the “two principal media” of correlationism—ultimately reducible to an “extreme idealism.” Meillassoux grounds this accusation in an account of givenness that presupposes that “every variety of givenness” finds its genesis within the positing of the subject. However, this critique fails to hit its mark precisely because it presupposes an account of intuitive …Read more
24I Can’t: Acute Sexual Impotence and the FleshSchutzian Research 14 71-90. 2023.Since Husserl’s phenomenological analyses of the living body (Leib) in Ideas II, the subjective experience of the body, what later French thinkers will name the flesh, has been particularly marked by its capacity for action—its potency. This privileging of the acting flesh, the potent organ, is echoed throughout the subsequent phenomenological tradition. For this tradition, from de Biran and Husserl, to Merleau‑Ponty and Henry, the flesh is distinguished from the mere body (Körper) by its unique…Read more
18Thomas J. J. AltizerIn Christopher D. Rodkey & Jordan E. Miller (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Radical Theology, Springer Verlag. pp. 55-81. 2018.Thomas J.J. Altizer is one of the most important theologians of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, and all radical theology must pass through and be conversant with his work and the historical significance of his earlier contributions. This chapter presents Altizer’s essential ideas in a straightforward and accessible manner and provides a guide for the beginning reader.
Boston UniversityGraduate student
Duquesne UniversityGraduate student
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America