290The Direct Reference of Pejoratives in Hate SpeechPhilosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 22 (2): 245-259. 2021.The use of language in hate speech is understandably offensive. Though words do not kill, they convey an alarming message that can harm the victim. To understand how words can harm, it is necessary to understand the nature of the meaning of pejoratives or slurs that are used in hate speech. Pejoratives are undeniably offensive. However, they are puzzling as they can be used in two directions, namely, the offensive power preservation and the offensive power destruction. This paper proposes that t…Read more
264Reasoning and Its LimitsPhilosophia Osaka 7 31-45. 2012.The paper argues that logical reasoning is what constitutes critical thinking because reasoning is normative, and logic provides a norm for reasoning. If a logical way of thinking is simply the same thing as reasoning, then the only limit or constraint of reasoning is the nature of the (logical) “rule” the kind of which is engaged with the practice of reasoning; rather than with either a component of social context or a com- ponent of a purely non-inferential or “immediate” perception of a situa…Read more
54Thinking Critically as an Examination of ThoughtsProceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 37 259-266. 2008.In introducing a course on critical thinking or reasoning, many emphasize the philosophical background of the idea of critical thinking, that is, the Socratic motto: “life without examination is not worth living”. It is actually right to do so, because critical thinking is basically the activity of doing philosophy. However, in manyuniversities, the course on critical thinking is taught mainly as a basic course for first year undergraduates who may not go on to major in philosophy. Beside the fa…Read more
46On Pettit's thought ascription to groupsAsian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1): 1-18. 2024.A thought, taken as a propositional attitude or the content of psychological predicates such as believe, wish, desire, hope, is ascribed to an entity with mental states. A thought is not only allegedly ascribed to particular non-mental things like computer, book, it is also ascribed to non-material things, linguistically in plural terms, e.g. plural pronouns (e.g. we, they), collective names or singular proper names (e.g. the United States), proper names in plural form or general terms (e.g. the…Read more
7Un'ontologia della praticaDiscipline Filosofiche 14 119-138. 2004.Practice has been considered as a notion challenging an idea of truth which is neutral to the role of agency or an epistemic role of the subject in accounting for content of thought. Such an idea of truth is a realist notion. However, challenging such a notion does not necessarily mean to reject an idea of normativity of content, i.e. the idea that for content of thought to be possible, it requires both constraints of the world and the subject of thought on content. In order to gain such an acc…Read more
University of Warwick
PhD, 2003
Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand
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